Distro 4 P3...



Need to sell a P3 with @ 1.2 GHz, 384 Mb ram, 10 Gb hd, MoBo INTEL D815EGEW,...


tried LUBUNTU(live usb)...I think is a little heavy 4 that box...


On my P3s Crunchbang worked every time. I was never fond of Openbox and always did: sudo apt-get install xfce4*.
In addition to CrunchBang, others without Desktop Environments (DEs) and which work well with PIII CPUs include antiX, Zenwalk, Salix, PCLOS -- look for those versions with only Windows Managers (WMs) and not DEs, as a suggestion.

The only DE that will have decent performance on such a machine as yours IMHO is LXDE but, again (and as you discovered with lubuntu), it depends on the distribution. Further, I suggest performing a Base install rather that a Full install of the distro chosen, should that option exist.
Remember guys...is not 4 me! is 4 a potential buyer who maybe knows nothing of computers...

some like Puppy Slacko or ...

need some with ease upgrades

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