Roland Deepson
New Member
No thanks, actually. In fact, somewhat the opposite. I take in good stride the suggestion that "downloading a Kali live-usb does not a pentester make," and I realize that my intended scope is much narrower than I realized.I can split the topic off and move it to Kali, if you'd like.
I could prolly get what I need done by paying someone for an hour or two of work, but I'm broke from a year of layoffs and a long and frustrating job search. Not only that, I AM actually of the mindset that I'd prefer to learn how to do stuff myself. From my experiences with Linux, I appreciate its value and, frankly, am only still married to Windows 10 by convenience. *shrug*
So, even outside of the fact that my next set of issues will apply primarily to aircrack, I have since reverted to Ubuntu and am simply stumped that my wifi dongle isn't recognizing in Ubuntu, either.
My issue is in cloning the git. Whether I point to jeremyb31 or to the aircrack-ng from upstream of that, I get a fatal early EOF / fatal index-pack failed. I didn't save a screengrab of the errors I was getting previosuly in Kali, but my gut says that this is the same error message I generated there to. (If this is relevant, I can happily retrace my steps in Kali to verify this, but I'm pretty sure it's not worth the bother.)
I suppose it's possible that my issue is that this git clone is failing due to the fact that I'm operating from a live-USB and not a fully-installed instance. Logistically, I'm kinda forced to live with putting the cart before the horse here -- I can't afford to disrupt my existing Windows install (which would be necessary to set up grub the way I'd want for a multi-boot) until I can confirm that accessing wifi -- and accessing wifi at high enough speeds (since my "pentesting" issue arises from being restricted to ~450kbps on landline-wifi or smartphone-hotspot-wifi, or ~500kpbs on USB-tethered smartphone-hotspot which isn't a fantastic improvement) -- and.... Well, it's 4:45am as I type this and at this point I'll just take another crack at this when I've gotten some rest.
Otherwise, thank you.