Error while install in kali linux on main pc !!!!

want to use kali

Then use it, and quit asking for help. Almost everyone here is going to tell you the same thing.
Don't pick the most complicated one to learn on.

then enter the user name you chose during install,
leave the password empty and press enter.
Or try username kali and password kali
Or look below for more options.
Here is from the Kali documentation there is a default password.
[HEADING=1]Kali's Default Credentials[/HEADING]
Kali changed to a non-root user policy by default since the release of 2020.1.
This means:
[*]During the installation of amd64 and i386 images, it will prompt you for a standard user account to be created.
[*]Any default operating system credentials used during Live Boot, or pre-created image (like Virtual Machines & ARM) will be:
[*]User: kali
[*]Password: kali
[*]Vagrant image (based on their policy):
[*]Username: vagrant
[*]Password: vagrant
[*]Amazon EC2:
[*]User: kali
[*]Password: <ssh key>
[HEADING=1]Default Tool Credentials[/HEADING]
Some tools shipped with Kali, will use their own default hardcoded credentials (others will generate a new password the first time its used). The following tools have the default values:
[*]Username: beef
[*]Password: beef
[*]Configuration File: /etc/beef-xss/config.yaml
[*]User: root
[*]Password: (blank)
[*]Setup Program: mysql_secure_installation
[*]Username: admin
[*]Password: <Generated during setup>
[*]Setup Program: openvas-setup
[*]Username: postgres
[*]Password: postgres
[*]Configuration File: /usr/share/metasploit-framework/config/database.yml
[*]Username: empireadmin
[*]Password: password123
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You obviously didn't read the first 3 post in the Kali forum, OR the follow the link from the download page to the distributors' introduction, the most important bit as under.

As the distribution’s developers, you might expect us to recommend that everyone should be using Kali Linux. The fact of the matter is, however, that Kali is a Linux distribution specifically geared towards professional penetration testers and security specialists, and given its unique nature, it is NOT a recommended distribution if you’re unfamiliar with Linux or are looking for a general-purpose Linux desktop distribution for development, web design, gaming, etc.
Even for experienced Linux users, Kali can pose some challenges. Although Kali is an open source project, it’s not a wide-open source project, for reasons of security. The development team is small and trusted, packages in the repositories are signed both by the individual committer and the team, and - importantly - the set of upstream repositories from which updates and new packages are drawn is very small. Adding repositories to your software sources which have not been tested by the Kali Linux development team is a good way to cause problems on your system.""

You can install any Linux that will work on your machine, and once you are familiar with how it works and the terminal commands, you can install the Pen-testing tools to that distribution or try again to install Kali, there are 4 or 5 other distributions designed for professional pentesters, some are far easier to install, but If you are a beginner do not expect to get any support from their own sites as you are expected to have a fair amount of knowledge first.

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