fingerprint not working on ubuntu v22


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Jan 15, 2025
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i have hp probook my fingerprint not working. I have ubuntu v22LTS. please help me

G'day samimali, Welcome to

This particular feature comes from Ubuntu, and as such their release notes should show any problems, fixes etc etc
I have looked at their release notes and can see no helpful signs there. May 2024

If ubuntu receive a number of complaints about it they would issue a fix.....which would come out in the normal fashion as an update from them.

Sorry I can't be of more help
you could use lsusb in the terminal to find the hardware id for the device & then see if it's supported via (aka google search for "whatever_your_device_id_is"). I dont have a fingerprint reader but have seen a fair number of posts indicating that they have a lot of issues in linux.
I would also check to see if - fprintd - and - libfprint-2-2 - is installed or not you can do that through the Synaptic Package Manager in the search block
By adding this daemon layer above libfprint, various problems related to multiple applications simultaneously
competing for fingerprint readers get solved.
i have hp probook my fingerprint not working. I have ubuntu v22LTS. please help me
sorry, no fingerprint for you....

I have had several HP laptop models with fingerprint reader. It seems to be proprietary and I have never found anything to make it work. Although I personally never saw the need for a fingerprint reader on a personal laptop other than to collect your fingerprint and send it to microsoft and google. seriously though you will not find a solution. I have looked for quite a while and not found anything. If you do find something let us all know.

For now just ignore that stupid looking thing on the laptop and use a password.

Sometimes the urge to achieve perfection causes us to ignore 99% success and achieve 100% failure.
Although I personally never saw the need for a fingerprint reader on a personal laptop other than to collect your fingerprint and send it to microsoft and google.

yep - I'm IT at a financial institution and our policy is to forbid biometrics of any type because it's a security risk (aka that idiocy that is "Windows Hello").

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