German keyboard


New Member
Aug 10, 2018
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Bought a German keyboard by Cherry for use with a Ubuntumedia 16.04. Could not get the keyboard to produce the proper letters such as the U with the umlauts. The keyboard is a Cherry RS 6000 USB ON and is not listed as such in Keyboard app. It is a QWERTZ not a QWERTY. It behaves as a standard keyboard but the special symbols don't work. I would like to use it in retyping some old Finnish pamphlets. Thanks.

Hi @Vihtori and welcome to :)

Is this the type of keyboard you are trying to achieve?


I don't have an Ubuntu Media in stock currently, but I have an Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop (ie Unity) that I can try out.

Using my Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop (ie GNOME), I can get the following:


The installation generates an extra dropdown menu in the system tray upper right, and you can toggle between the two keyboards.


Chris Turner
Hi @Vihtori and welcome to :)

Is this the type of keyboard you are trying to achieve?


I don't have an Ubuntu Media in stock currently, but I have an Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop (ie Unity) that I can try out.

Using my Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop (ie GNOME), I can get the following:


The installation generates an extra dropdown menu in the system tray upper right, and you can toggle between the two keyboards.


Chris Turner
@Vihtori I have only got your pasting of my reply, no message. You are likely pressing Reply, at the right of my Post.

Go, instead, to the pane at the bottom with the toolbar, and where it says "Write your Reply", use that.


Sorry about that. I searched Ask Ubuntu and found the answer to my question. After adding English, German, Finnish & Arabic, I find placing the language at the top gave me the right keyboard. I am currently in German remembering the Y & Z keys switch. This keyboard has German words such as Ende, Strg, Alt Gr, Pos 1, Entf, etc. Most of the keyboard layout is similar to the above layout. There are 2 Win buttons and a Menu replacing the Supers. Meta L?

In Finnish the Ü becomes a Å as in Åland Islands, a part of Finland. Hyvää Päivaä is good day in Finn.

Now for my name in Arabic: يثىىهس

Perhaps a generic keyboard from Office Depot with key stickums from Amazon could create a German or Croatian keyboard, select the language and a generic keyboard. Perhaps. Sorry tor taking up your time. Thanks. ßßßßßßßßß µµµµµµµµµ @@@@@@@ €€€€€€ ΩΩΩΩΩΩ 10KΩ 5µF
No need to apologise, that is what he are here for :)

Out of interest, was it through a mechanism such as


That is what I used, and what I was going to describe to you.

Just for my personal Knowledge Base, so I can help others.

In Ubuntu & Xubuntu, it would be under Keyboard as I use XFCE. Make sure German is the upper most. I read thru Wikipedia German Keyboard Layout and find my current layout is similar to a T1. But T2 symbols can be had by pressing the R Alt and R Shift (optionally). L Alt does not do anything. A T3 version is available which is the latest and has more symbols. The Num keys function the same as any other, same with the arrows along with insert, Home, Page Up, etc. Print Scrn, Scroll Lock & Pause do the same functions. I am trying to update the Wikipedia info by emailing Cherry in Germany. Thanks.

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