Getting rid of a wine prefix on PoP!_os


Active Member
Sep 23, 2021
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I won't dilly dally too much with the details, I just want to inquire about the terminal command to remove a wine prefix that I made with custom parameters to the path of where said game is installed.

I did in the past to get more stable performance, but now compatibility is vastly improved and "forcing" the game to run under my custom parameters is adversely affecting performance.

I would like to note that both winetricks and protontricks are refusing to launch in UI mode, most likely being a pop_os thing, so mashing my keyboard in the terminal window is the only option.

I usually answer the terminal/bash based questions. Unfortunately, I’ve never used WINE, so I don’t know very much about how/where it stores your "prefixes".

If a program doesn’t run natively in Linux, I simply don’t use it. But that’s just me! Ha ha!

But a quick bit of DuckDuckGo-fu yielded this:

Which lead to this:

Which hopefully should help.
Looks like it’s just a case of removing the directories containing your prefixes.
Or perhaps take a look inside those directories and remove any files that pertain to the specific prefix/application that you want to remove?!

There are a bunch of other users here who do use WINE and might know a bit more about it. I won’t tag anybody. But somebody will inevitably chip in at some point, if I’m barking up the wrong tree!
So if I'm reading this correctly, there is a hidden .wine folder inside where I placed the prefix?
If you just want to uninstall a wine program run
wine uninstaller

Wine is a hidden folder under your home directory - .wine - usually located - /home/username/.wine
I don't want to uninstall a whole wine program, I just want to remove a wine prefix on a steam game.
Here is a copy of the command I used:
WINEPREFIX="steam/directory/here/pfx" winetricks --force -q dotnet48 vcrun2015 faudio d3dcompiler_47
I need to undo it, remove it, whatever the official parliament is here.
The wine uninstaller command only removes programs that have been installed into wine not wine itself
Type in a terminal or press Alt+F2 and type wine uninstaller will give you access to the built in Add/Remove tool from wine. From there you can uninstall a program you have installed in a bottle.

To completely remove the bottle for your user (and thus remove everything from a wine bottle and start again) you can open a terminal and type rm -rf ~/.wine or as an alternative open File Manager and in your home folder press Ctrl+H, locate the .wine folder and delete it. wine will create a new folder next time you try to use it.

see here -
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