!HELP! Constant computer attacks. Kali linux


New Member
Nov 7, 2021
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Hello, probably on the wrong forum, I write this but I need urgent help. My friend from the Internet, with whom I broke off contact, constantly breaks into my computer via kali * LINUXA * . I do not know how to protect myself and whether I can feel safe, I do not know if other computers are infected and maybe phones are also. How should I protect myself what to do. These are important guys, thank you for any help

In brief. My computer was hacked with a LINUX Kali. A friend has remote access to my files, probably has a backdoor. I would like to protect myself and therefore I am looking for help here
and which operating system are you using ?
windows 10. I wrote to you on linux because they were hacked by your application which has linux in the name and I think you know well, that's why I write to you for help
OK windows is the weakest of all the operating systems, you will need a good anti-virus and a good firewall [not the inbuilt M$ ones] {I use to recommend avast]
Make sure you encrypt your home folders.... https://restoreprivacy.com/encrypt-files-windows/
use a log in password of at least 10 charters that you can remember [don't use names /places/common words] you can test passwords in English at https://www.uic.edu/apps/strong-password/
If you are on a shared access [cyber caff/school/work] your stuck with what is probably a very week router protection that you cant change
If you have a discreet network [at home where you are not shearing with anyone from outside] you can beef up your router settings by changing some of the protocols and using a stronger password [check with manufactures web site] but you will have to discus that with anyone else using it [parents/partners/siblings] IF you can change your router, never let anyone from outside your group have the log in details.

you can be hacked using any operating system with the correct applications, not just linux,

additional reading.. https://www.zdnet.com/article/micro...rotect-against-sophisticated-hacking-attacks/

Hope this helps

tak jak pisałem to kali linux bo kolega chwalił się, że ma kali linux. Komputer też jest w porządku z routerem też raczej. Jakie opcje routera umożliwiają jego zabezpieczenie in 100%?
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google how to protect your router from external attaks
google how to protect your router from external attaks
That's the ISP's job since with most ISP's they provide you with a router for your internet connection which they manage.
Also tell your friend to stop cause you had enough, it works with some people
And......the OP is just 14 years old.

Lots of assumptions

Lots of wild accusations etc etc

Go to HERE

They handle this type of pulp fiction.

tak jak pisałem to kali linux bo kolega chwalił się, że ma kali linux. Komputer też jest w porządku z routerem też raczej. Jakie opcje routera umożliwiają jego zabezpieczenie in 100%?

Remember to write in English, not Polish.

Good luck

Chris Turner
Anyone else getting the "it's a troll" vibe? RFC: Delete thread, block user.

Guy reminds me of the dude about a month back or so (maybe he is) who also kept talking about Linux like it was our software ("your app", lol). That was the one who wanted to make his own distro and kept going on about "panels" and Windows and how Linux was buggy. He PM'd me for a while saying wild things (like Linux was a virus and accusing chestnuts of being lazy) and I just replied with tipicle bad english that they use with no punktuashin and bade speiling and bade grammer. i told him to find the elements of harmony to defeet the virus in linux which he siad was their. i sent him on othre quests and he got board after awhile and left lol.

...Though written in jest, it was still painful emulating the average < 30 internet user.
Hello, probably on the wrong forum, I write this but I need urgent help. My friend from the Internet, with whom I broke off contact, constantly breaks into my computer via kali * LINUXA * . I do not know how to protect myself and whether I can feel safe, I do not know if other computers are infected and maybe phones are also. How should I protect myself what to do. These are important guys, thank you for any help
I don' know whether this is a real problem, but if you think someone has a backdoor access to your OS, then the first thing you should do is backup your important files and erase the hard drive. if you want to use windows 10 again, you can do by downloading the latest ISO from microsoft page. Personally I can't recommend avast and kaspersky because both of them have a history of selling user data to other companies. But you probably don't care about privacy since since you use Windows and also, as I'm aware, there's no any other AV that really respect your privacy on a proprietary OS. Others can't spy on you if you have good internet habits.
(I'm a noob too, so, you better do your own research before believing me)

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