Hello there, my name's Matt. I need help syncing my Ipod Touch 4th Generation with my Computer using Banshee. I am currently using Ubuntu 11.10, but I can't sync all of the songs I have in Banshee to my iPod. It "adds" music to the ipod touch, and it says "Preparing to Syncronize" with the progressbar, but it never ends. I have been waiting 2 hours for one song to sync. I've installed libimobiledevice and Linux recognizes the iPod as two seperate devices; "Matt's iPod" and "Documents on Matt's iPod." I have 3 computers, one runs linux and is fast, one is two slow (it takes about 5 minutes to move 1mm of the cursor) and runs Windows XP, and the other is the work computer which has a stupid program and will corrupt any USB device plugged in, So Linux is my only option. PLEASE HELP! Thank You.