Hi all

Terminal Velocity

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2021
Reaction score
Privacy and security concerns lead me from Windows to Linux one year ago, I don't trust Windows neither any programs that supposedly protecting me there. I am noob and slow, but there is no turning back because on the way I developed an addiction on setup operating systems, I kinda like destroying my computer and fixing it again.

I kinda like destroying my computer and fixing it again.

I call it 'learning by breaking' and it's a perfectly viable path to understanding Linux.

If it ain't broke, tweak it!
I kinda like destroying my computer and fixing it again.
It is AMAZING what you can learn by doing that.

It becomes a serious challenge.

Well done, and Welcome !
Good to see you found your way here ;)

Slow learning wins the race in my book, look at the tortoise over the hare.

Chris Turner
