Hiya Wizard, good to hear from you. I live in an oak forest, so satellite isn't functional. I will hit hispeed when I visit folks, until they get out to the woods with some hardwire I hope.
I'm glad I finally clicked on your 'spoiler' on the 'apt get' page. So much to learn.
KGIII, thanks again for guidance. I did get tar.gz installed, yet I need missing libraries which, as many have suggested, aren't available anymore. It works in terminal, I'd just like to know what speed I'm connecting at, and haven't figured that out yet. 'Modem manager' app doesn't let me enter my modem name. I need to research on hispeed, which is a challenge when my friends want to chit-chat. Human interaction has the most value, so we'll plod along.
Thank you as always. Your support makes the journey FUN.