How to change keyboard shortcut for Yen symbol to a y with Macron


New Member
Dec 13, 2021
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Hello. I'm on Elementary OS 6.1 Jolnir currently.

I would like to ask how to change the keyboard shortcut that currently produces a Yen symbol (alt right+letter y+ Overscore button) to producing the letter y with a macron over it. I'm writing some things in Latin and the other four vowels a,e,i,o, and u work fine. But the letter Y produces the Yen symbol. (¥)

Does anyone know how to change this?

By the way, I using this OS on a Dell Latitute E6510. It's about eight years old or so. Will the newest version work on this computer?

The only way to change I can think of is changing whole keyboard layout to another language, but that's probably not what you want and I don't know which layout if any would do this.

Another possible solution is some software for key remapping, not sure if it exists.
Some keyboard manufacturers allow remapping keys at hardware level also.
Hello. I'm on Elementary OS 6.1 Jolnir currently.

I would like to ask how to change the keyboard shortcut that currently produces a Yen symbol (alt right+letter y+ Overscore button) to producing the letter y with a macron over it. I'm writing some things in Latin and the other four vowels a,e,i,o, and u work fine. But the letter Y produces the Yen symbol. (¥)

Does anyone know how to change this?

By the way, I using this OS on a Dell Latitute E6510. It's about eight years old or so. Will the newest version work on this computer?
I'm not sure that the following will solve your issue to your satisfaction, but perhaps the way in which this sort of problem is dealt with here may be of interest.

The first thing I do is get the unicode codes for the relevant characters.
The unicode code for the yen symbol:
is u0085
The unicode code for the y with a macron:
is u0233

To change the yen symbol to the y with a macron, on the keyboard one can use the setxkbmap or the xmodmap programs to change the output of the keypress that produces the yen symbol, to produce the y with the macron. One would use the xev facility to get the relevant keycodes and could use the unicode codes in the configurations.

However, I'll leave that method for reconfiguring keys to the interested reader since that's not how I do it though it's a common way of resolving the issue in X. No idea about wayland.

Since most text I write is in the vim text editor, I have two ways of entering characters of interest, both using the unicode codes.

1. With no modification to the vim configuration, one can write the character, such as y with a macron, with the following key presses whilst in the insert mode of vim:
cntl+v u 0233

2. The second way I do it is to remap a key combination in the vim configuration file ~/.vimrc, such as the following:

nnoremap <C-U> i<C-R>=nr2char(0x0233)<CR><Esc>

With this configuration, pressing: cntl+u, in the vim editor in insert mode, will produce the character of y with the macron.

I realise this may be an oblique way to handle the issue, but it works well for me.

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