Do you have a spare system (PC/laptop) or a VM to install it on?
Starter hints:
This is your friend . You can do
man {any program name} ie
man apt will open the manual for apt
ls -la lists the directory contents.
nano is easier than
vi or
vim for editing files at the command line *
tar used to extract files from
"zips" has
lots of switches
'-xzf' will probably be used a lot
man tar is a good idea!
tail -F {path and file name of log} ie:
sudo tail -F /var/log/maillog
tail looks at the end of a file
this '-F' will follow the log file in real time on the console.
top shows the processes running on a system
grep grep finds things in things but not on its own.
do a
man grep
[jackf@ts1 ~]$ top | grep systemd
1 root 20 0 192592 7696 3760 S 0.0 0.2 3:50.58 systemd
1 root 20 0 192592 7696 3760 S 0.0 0.2 3:50.58 systemd
example 2
[jackf@ts1 ~]$ top | grep firefox
38255 jackf 20 0 1592220 547436 65056 S 64.7 14.1 40:18.76 firefox
Learn chmod and chown.
understand 777 555 666 752 ( why is the last one crazy? )
OK lets start !
Download an ISO of Debian or CentOS(red Hat like) neither matter but they are the two root distributions for what's out there.
Most servers have no GUI but if you chose the DVD ISOs not the minimal CD ISO you can add a GUI.
Burn the CD.
Install it.
Use it as a desktop for a bit
Next duckduckgo "how to set up cpu scaling/throttling on linux" as its probably not enabled by default
also see this
Now I'll be a little deliberately vague sorry but you will learn more by working it out and you should be getting to a good position to do so.
Debian has no sudo installed by default so to install things do a su - at the command prompt and enter root's password.
With CentOS do a sudo yum install epel-release sudo yum install httpd
With debian you probably want to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list because it probably has not removed the DVD then add the contrib and non-free to the repository
then you can apt-get install apache2 if your using debian
there are loads of detailed guides. for example on centOS
*of coarse if you have a GUI / X you can do this ( assuming sudo has been installed )
sudo gedit {location and name of the file to edit}