I have Autism, and.....

  • Thread starter Thread starter blackneos940
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I like your passion. Good luck for you!
Thank you!..... :D It feels good knowing that I do, after all, despite my doubts or thoughts, have passion..... :3 You guys helped remind me of that....... :')
How is life on the road treating you mate?:)
Haven't made on the road quite yet as there some Earthquake related issues with our house to sort out before we sell. We think in 6 months time a bit fustrating but never mind.
Some people can be very rude.I myself have a disability.I have a learning disability.Takes me a bit longer to figure things out and to understand stuff.People make fun of me all the time.But i try to not let it bother me.Congrats on being very brave.:)
How is life on the road treating you mate?:)
Haven't made on the road quite yet as there some Earthquake related issues with our house to sort out before we sell.
That's good..... :3 I want some food right now..... :) Is that Linux BBQ thingy, well, BBQ-themed.......? :3
Yes many of the releases are named around the idea of food like cream and Bork and Chicken wings. Simple installer.

A friendly community. Some of the names of releases are a bit rude so if anyone is easily offended then this probably isn't the distro for you.
Haven't made on the road quite yet as there some Earthquake related issues with our house to sort out before we sell.

Yes many of the releases are named around the idea of food like cream and Bork and Chicken wings. Simple installer.

A friendly community. Some of the names of releases are a bit rude so if anyone is easily offended then this probably isn't the distro for you.

Ah, I see!..... :) Imma' download it and try it in Virtualbox, since I've still got about 3GB on this ASUS 'o mine.....! :3 I don't mind the names..... :) DSL didn't offend me..... :) Though it IS a bit awkward to mention to some people..... :D
Haven't made on the road quite yet as there some Earthquake related issues with our house to sort out before we sell.

Yes many of the releases are named around the idea of food like cream and Bork and Chicken wings. Simple installer.

A friendly community. Some of the names of releases are a bit rude so if anyone is easily offended then this probably isn't the distro for you.
Le crap..... :( It's 1.9GB...... Ah well..... :) I still have my Inspiron, which has PLENTY of free space!..... :D
Some people can be very rude.I myself have a disability.I have a learning disability.Takes me a bit longer to figure things out and to understand stuff.People make fun of me all the time.But i try to not let it bother me.Congrats on being very brave.:)

I'm sorry about that, good sir..... :< Some people CAN be mean, as I've witnessed, and I'm sure we ALL know what that's like....... :( But to be honest, it shouldn't matter how LONG it takes one to learn something..... :) Thank you, btw..... :3
Some people can be very rude.I myself have a disability.I have a learning disability.Takes me a bit longer to figure things out and to understand stuff.People make fun of me all the time.But i try to not let it bother me.Congrats on being very brave.:)
The dark side of the force is strong in some beings, young padawan! :D Keep on keepin on, and may the force be with you!:):)
So my question is this:

Why do people make fun of others with Dissabilities, but they end up being incredibly talented in a particular area.....? I see people who also have some form of Autism, and they often seem to have a particular thing that they're immsensely passionate about..... They call some of us Savants..... :) I never actually think of myself as smart, even though my passion for Computers sometimes awes people who know little about them..... :) But, people such as Mozart, I believe, may not KNOW a lot about their favorite thing, but, being a Savant, seemed to learn it quite QUICKLY...... Or maybe I'm over-thinking it..... : D Anyway, I want to invent an Free and Open Source Application for Hospitals everywhere that will benefit the WORLD..... :3 When the time comes, and it WILL, it would be cool if my friends here at Linux would help me out..... :)

People make fun of others with disabilities for many reasons, usually because they're different. Having Aspergers, I have been antagonized, sometimes because of my social inadequacy, other times because of my skills in the digital realm (Especially with Mac OS.) Many sources say that low self-esteem can contribute to bullying, and I think this is true, most people who bully me seem to be unsure of themselves.

I know quite a few people who are Autistic, and many of them have been called Savants. They're absolutely brilliant, putting the work of my teachers to shame! I'm somewhat similar to you, where I think of myself as around average but others think otherwise. You're not over-thinking it, Savants don't need to know a lot about their favorite thing, they just happen to be able to learn it quickly. (I never thought of Mozart as a Savant. Then again, I knew little about them until recently.)

Inventing an application or program like that will take a large amount of time, effort, and skill, but it can be done. I suggest forming a team, it'll increase the overall quality, speed, and efficiency of the application. (Try opening a Kickstarter account once you have the resources and the team, it'll be a good way to fund your project.)

Anyways, it's a good cause and I'd love to help. I don't have nearly enough skill right now, but in a few years, I'll be able to help out with more complex programs and applications.
People make fun of others with disabilities for many reasons, usually because they're different. Having Aspergers, I have been antagonized, sometimes because of my social inadequacy, other times because of my skills in the digital realm (Especially with Mac OS.) Many sources say that low self-esteem can contribute to bullying, and I think this is true, most people who bully me seem to be unsure of themselves.

I know quite a few people who are Autistic, and many of them have been called Savants. They're absolutely brilliant, putting the work of my teachers to shame! I'm somewhat similar to you, where I think of myself as around average but others think otherwise. You're not over-thinking it, Savants don't need to know a lot about their favorite thing, they just happen to be able to learn it quickly. (I never thought of Mozart as a Savant. Then again, I knew little about them until recently.)

Inventing an application or program like that will take a large amount of time, effort, and skill, but it can be done. I suggest forming a team, it'll increase the overall quality, speed, and efficiency of the application. (Try opening a Kickstarter account once you have the resources and the team, it'll be a good way to fund your project.)

Anyways, it's a good cause and I'd love to help. I don't have nearly enough skill right now, but in a few years, I'll be able to help out with more complex programs and applications.
Go Man!!!:):)
My son is Autistic also, he is at the Asperger's end of the spectrum. The opening line of your thread is exactly why I am starting homeschooling next year.
Consorting with the "enemy"? Microsoft seeks to recruit autistic workers http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-32204999

Sucks for THEM..... :D I'm TERRIBLE with schedules imposed by others, and with full-time positions....... :) I'm just happy doin' my OWN thing, helping people put Linux on Computers for a small fee, or directing them to online resources if they want to do it themselves, and helping out on here.... :D I'll NEVER betray the FOSS community, Sempai!!..... ^^ :3
My son is Autistic also, he is at the Asperger's end of the spectrum. The opening line of your thread is exactly why I am starting homeschooling next year.
Really.....? I'm on that end of the spectrum too..... :) But, aren't there any Schools where the people are nicer.....? I remember when, in my Elementary (OS) years, some of my teachers were mean to me..... :( One time, during Recess, a Monitor threatened to break my arm if I didn't stop complaining about it hurting..... o_O My Mom threatened to kick her ASCII when no one was around..... :D She also got her fired, I believe..... :D Also, far be it from me to know how to Parent, but if you DO get him Home Schooled, make sure to get him involved in a Dojo, to learn Martial Arts!..... :) I did, and still train to this DAY..... :) Or you could get him involved in somethin' else..... :3

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