Installed Linux Mint, now fans won't work...


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May 12, 2024
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I recently installed Linux Mint on a compute stick. I was gaming for it and noticed why it was so silent all the time.
I'm glad I was on time. 99C.

So I let it cool down by closing my game and then entered the BIOS. Smart fan is on at 55C so I set it to 50C and see if that solves the issue. Fan started to work now, maybe just after the BIOS?

So I turned the PC stick on today and now it won't work...

Fans used to work all the time back then when I was on that M$ operating system.

How do I automatically activate the fans again like it used to? I can't find other settings in the BIOS other than smart fan control which is ON.

I hope anyone can help very soon. This is very important as no fans can melt my PC stick to death...

Linux Mint made your fans stop working...that's not good might be better to stick with windoze.
Fans used to work all the time back then when I was on that M$ operating system.
There is your answer right there.
For fans to be working 'all the time', there has to be an overheating problem.

I strongly doubt that Linux was the problem, or M$ either......It would be a good idea to open the pc and clean it. It is most likely full of fluff, dust etc etc
The only reason that fans will turn on and stay turned on is the presence of heat

It is equally possible that the damage has been done while you were using windows......and that is not windows fault if that is the case.
It has become a bigger problem because you were not aware that fans should not have been behaving like that (always running)
Yes, I find it rather strange. Maybe something isn't compatible that handles the fans when to operate etc?

It was a joke...PCs need to be cleaned regularly as Dust is the biggest killer of computers. Fans don't last forever either...I've replaced two fans in my Tower over the last 11 years...they start making strange sounds or just stop.

I clean out my Tower of dust with a small leaf blower and a brush every 3 to 4 mths...I don't use compressed air as it contains moisture. My old Laptop when not in use is kept in a Laptop dust is never a problem...hope this helps.
The only reason that fans will turn on and stay turned on is the presence of heat

It is equally possible that the damage has been done while you were using windows......and that is not windows fault if that is the case.
It has become a bigger problem because you were not aware that fans should not have been behaving like that (always running)
Oh I see. Wish I knew this before, then I would return the PC stick since fans were always like that day 1. Turns out I have a faulty PC stick for that matter, but sure. I'll see what I can do when I open it up and clean it.
You can buy anit-heat cooling pads for Laptops like this...

or this...

I don't know that it will work. But if cleaning doesn't help, try Linux Mint Edge and see if it makes any difference. LME helps on computers with newer hardware.
An update...

I disabled Smart Fan in the BIOS, saved and the PC stick rebooted. Fans are working again! I also unplugged the power, waited a minute and put it back on to see if they start working again and yes!

But now there is another problem...
There's no connection. I only see Network settings and Network connections.

I hope I haven't burned my wifi card when the fans weren't working... I haven't installed Linux Mint Edge yet as I couldn't connect to the internet. I've had internet before last week and I'm on Kernel 6.x. Not sure what exactly. I have no other PC atm at the place where I am. So there's no way to make the USB unless there's an USB tool like Rufus on Android.

Hopefully it can be fixed without internet.
All other devices work fine, PS4, phone, Wii U. So it's pure the PC stick which has no internet anymore somehow.

Hope it can be solved.
I don't know that it will work. But if cleaning doesn't help, try Linux Mint Edge and see if it makes any difference. LME helps on computers with newer hardware.
Another update from me...

Fans are working now. Wifi stopped working. I plug the live USB in, and now Wifi is working again. I rather not reinstall. I'm downloading Linux Mint Edge now and see what it does. I'm glad my wifi card isn't burned. But how did it stop working all of a sudden? Seriously weird things are happening...
With the seemingly infinite number of hardware configurations that are available, it's a wonder there aren't a lot more issues like yours.
I just reinstalled Linux Mint and everything is working again. Hopefully it stays that way. I have internet again, fans are working (because of disabling smart fan lol) I'm not planning to go to kernel 6 this time. Guess I'll stay on 5.15 until the end of Linux Mint 21 support.
And see if everything keeps working.

Not sure if 6 was the reason, especially if Wifi randomly stopped working about a week after kernel 6. I don't mind missing Nintendo Switch Pro controller support then. I'll try and see if my PS4 controller works.

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