Yeah i don't know much about NVIDIA overrall, however i didn't wish to insinuate that NVIDIA is "bad", even though point taken you're just responding to a mildly hostile post, much more incendiary than practically everything else i post on here.I'm not saying that NVIDIA is perfect; I'm just saying it's not as bad as you make it out to be. Also, who wants to buy NVIDIA with what there have been doing the last year and will be doing the next couple of years but when it comes to gaming, NVIDIA is not that bad and has nothing to do with JUST BECAUSE I use it. I have tested about 5 NVIDIA GPUs over the past years because that's all I own. They have no problem playing games, and it's been years, about 2019, since I really had a Driver problem with NVIDIA. When it came to games, I think it was in one of the Far cry games that didn't support a Driver version. Still, i have not seen it since then, not with all the support and update that keep coming to proton and Linux. Also, I will not say Do or don't buy NVIDIA because that is more of a stereotypical thing to say. All I can do is to put out my XP with NVIDIA GPU, and they have been great for me, and if you want proof, you are welcome to check out my 1,559 Videos on YouTube with game-plays. As I said, you may think they are Bad! I just disagree with you on that front.
PS. Ubuntu SUCKS if you ask me. (Ubuntu is overrated and is no longer user-friendly, and hard to get stuff to work and easy to kill distributions you can find), and yes, that's my opinion of Ubuntu. I would rather use RedHat, which I never used, than Ubuntu. And it kills me a little inside every time people mention that distribution as if that distribution is the best you can find.
Yeah, I fully agree that in the last two years, they got good, but it also has to do with Linux has become a more Gaming focus distribution, and so many are leaving Windows or at least trying out Linux the last years or so, and now more than ever.
You didn't say any of what i exaggerated either ;-)
What i said, to paraphrase, is that i wouldn't recommend NVIDIA if someone said "i want to be a linux gamer". I wouldn't be like "Dude! I hate NVIDIA, they are a terrible semi-conductor company and they are microsoft cucks who are trying to destroy the little penguin!", i'd be like "gaming is a lot better on linux than it was 5 years ago, yet it's not that great for the top-of-the-line games. It's still worth it because you don't have to pay for it and there are tons of free video games anyways".
And as far as Ubuntu is concerned, so you hate it? To a certain extent, so do I, yet it's my favorite one so far. And no Ubuntu isn't necessarily the most recommended linux distro, basically everyone here recommends mint. Ubuntu seems to be the default "beginner friendly" OS because of their support from canonical, and the fact that it was created for that purpose even it probably failed pretty badly in some respects. I like the search bar in ubuntu a lot better than the windows-style mint search bar. I should probably be accessing whether i should keep using ubuntu, yet i don't really need to.