Installing Ubuntu

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For those of you needing to install Ubuntu for the first time, you may not be sure how to install Ubuntu or what steps are included in this install. Thankfully, you found an article that may help you completely. In this tutorial, I will walk the readers through the whole installation process of Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring). The previous and most likely future versions are the same plus or minus a few options.

NOTE: This will be a general, stand-alone installation. There are many potential issues with dual-booting and many possible scenarios. In this article, Ubuntu will be installed on its own dedicated computer.

Ubuntu, like all other Linux distros, is free and legal to download. The disc ISO can be obtained from Once the download completes, the ISO can be burnt/written to a DVD. After that, it is time to install Ubuntu.

First, go to the computer that needs Ubuntu. Then, make sure the computer will support Ubuntu and your needs. Ask yourself various questions like below.

-Does this have the required amount of memory for Ubuntu?
-Is the hard-drive large enough?
-Is the graphics-card/GPU powerful enough for my graphic design projects or gaming?
-Is the CPU supported by Ubuntu? Is it powerful enough?
-Did I get the right Ubuntu ISO? That is, is the computer 32 or 64-bit?
-Am I going to use devices that Ubuntu does not support?

If the computer currently has important files, then backup the files to a separate storage unit like a USB external hard-drive. Once you feel the computer's hard-drive can be erased without regrets, place the Ubuntu installation disc in the disc tray.

The live disc will boot-up and a desktop will be seen. Soon, the system installer will appear with the option to "Try Ubuntu" or "Install Ubuntu". On the side, the language can be chosen. Trying Ubuntu allows users to try out the system or perform recovery on the system already on the computer. We will install Ubuntu.


The following screen allows users to download and install updates and/or third-party software like Flash and other proprietary software

The next screen provides settings for encrypting the hard-drive, setting up LVM, and the partitioning scheme for the system. Users can let the installer create partitions and mount points, or this can be performed manually as I will show.


Select the desired storage device and click "New Partition Table". Then, click some free space and press the "+" button. In the new window, make the needed filesystem. If there is still more free space, repeat the process. This window will allow users to choose a filesystem and the mount point. The mount point is the directory that will be attached to this partition. For example, users may want /home/ and /var/ each on a separate partition from /. Unless the user has a specific need, the partitions should be made EXT4. Make sure some space is left for the swap space. To make swap space, set the filesystem type to swap. Generally, swap space should be twice the size of the current available memory. For better performance, make the swap space two partitions, each the size of the current memory. Once finished, click "Install Now".


For those of you that do not understand partition encryption, it is a privacy measure. Assume this computer contains private data for a business or hospital. If the computer is ever stolen and the hard-drive is placed in another computer, the data cannot be seen. However, this does not protect the data from being deleted or formatted.

LVM stands for Logical Volume Manager. LVM allows a set of hard-drives to be divided into logical volumes instead of physical volumes. A user could have three 2-terabyte hard-drives. With LVM, the user could make two logical volumes each three terabytes. The logical volumes allow partitions to be made that span multiple physical hard-drives.

Next, click the timezone of your location or type it in the box.

The following window allows users to setup their keyboard type and layout. A text box is provided for testing.


In the next window, the user will type their name, the hostname, username, and password. The user can also choose to encrypt their home folder. Also, they can setup the system to automatically log in using that username. The installer will then install the system. This can take some time, so read more cool articles on while this installs. Once the installation is complete, remove the installation disc and click "Restart Now" on the new window.


Boot-up the system and make sure all of your devices work properly. You can then configure the system to your liking and install your needed applications.


Install Ubuntu-Studio:

When installing Ubuntu Studio, once it boots up, select a language. After that, the user has some options. The user can try out the distro (this is a live disc), install, run a disk check, test memory, or boot from the hard-drive. Of course, we will install Ubuntu Studio. The installer will then run various checks on the hardware.

Soon, a GUI appears. The user must select a language again. At this point, the installation process is exactly like Ubuntu because Ubuntu Studio is only a remix. The windows are even the same. Once the installer gathers all of the information from you, it will take longer to install than Ubuntu, so you have a lot of time to do something else unless you are bored or want to watch the screen.

Install *ubuntu:

Many of the other *ubuntus are installed the exact same way as Ubuntu Studio. The windows may look different since a different user interface may be active, but the process is the same.

Edubuntu is the same, except there are additional windows after the one that asks about installing third-party software.

The first one asks if Unity and/or Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP) can be installed. Next, the user can choose the educational packages to install. The packages include edubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-edu-preschool, ubuntu-edu-primary, ubuntu-edu-secondary, and ubuntu-edu-tertiary. Each package contains many applications.

Search Tags: Xubuntu Lubuntu Ubuntu-studio Ubuntu studio Kubuntu install installation Canonical Edubuntu


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Thank you for reply . This is not free first i should buy that?
i did but i there was som thing wrong and i did uninstall but i cant install again
i did but i there was som thing wrong and i did uninstall but i cant install again
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