Is Linux Deepin trusted?


Jan 25, 2022
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As you may know Deeping is one of the most beautiful Linux distros but there are some doubts about using it among Linux community. What do you think about it? Is it 100% safe to install and use it? Is there any privacy concerns regarding Deepin?

I read mixed reviews about some potential spyware in the app store, but I cant speak from experience, I never used it!

But I also see that the Deepin desktop environment is available to download, so maybe you can use Ubuntu with the Deepin DE?
I heard that they spy on you, but i wonder how do they do that if their distribution is open-sourced and anyone can watch the code? Do they track you while you want to download software from Deepin Store or do they do that differently?
but i wonder how do they do that if their distribution is open-sourced and anyone can watch the code?
What we are talking about is monitoring software, this could be an application, or it can be encoded into the operating system,
if it's encoded then to find it you need to know the full code of the OS, be excellent in reading that code for comparison, and as it could be tucked away anywhere lots of time to go through the thousands of lines of code,
Do they track you while you want to download software from Deepin Store or do they do that differently?
I am no expert on security, but this is how I understand it,
This depends on the form and intent of the monitoring software involved, in its simplest form it will watch what internet sites and pages you look at to raise a profile for targeted advertising, in its worse form it will be monitoring every thing you do from your password keystrokes, to watching for keywords in e-mails, this type of monitoring software is usually politically led, one possible way of spotting it is higher CPU and ram use than usual [but if it's there from the start you won't notice the difference].
I am no expert on security, but this is how I understand it,
This depends on the form and intent of the monitoring software involved, in its simplest form it will watch what internet sites and pages you look at to raise a profile for targeted advertising, in its worse form it will be monitoring every thing you do from your password keystrokes, to watching for keywords in e-mails, this type of monitoring software is usually politically led, one possible way of spotting it is higher CPU and ram use than usual [but if it's there from the start you won't notice the difference].
Monitoring passwords and Keylogging is horrible. If they do that, Windows is much more preferred over Deepin because at least you could be sure that Windows doesn't spy on ALL your activities ;)
There are many grey areas between the basic and the all intrusive monitoring software, without knowing which they may be using it's difficult to assess
Yeah, I understand it. The best solution seems to stay clear from their OS. The best feature of their distro that attracts many people and intrigues others to install is the beautiful interface. It has a very polished interface and in addition to that, they have developed many custom tools like file manager, system monitor, font Manager, screen recorder, voice Recorder, screenshot and etc.
I had Deeping on one of my test rigs for a while, but apart from looking very pretty it didn't function any better than Debian stable, on which it is built
I have on one occasion looked at the traffic passing to and from a Deepin VM. It did appear to check the status of a deepin package server quite frequently (much more than I would like).

I very much liked the deepin desktop, it's more user-focused than the standard offerings, and maturing quite quickly with it.

Enthusiastically embracing Deepin might cost you Five-Eyes loyalty points. This could have a career impact. Worst case, you may be contributing to reasons to invade you country to rid it of pesky WMD and/or terrorists.
Googly, cell's cookies, why invite more tracking/spying by choice? I chose Linux to keep as much privacy as possible. I don't do social media anything, I mean just posting on a few sites I am being logged by some gov somewhere. It is not the "If you're not doing anything wrong" argument. I would not invite a cop to search my car at a traffic stop, there is nothing in my car but get a warrant. Want to search the hard drives, SSD's, flash drives or any storage media I own, get a warrant. Hiding nothing, but it is mine.

You must invite "Dracula" into your home. :eek: There are enough blood suckers in the real world without the mythical. The "zombie apocalypse" is here already, there is not a day goes by where I do not almost run over someone crossing the street, in a parking lot, locked into the head down staring into their phone stance. Oblivious to the world around them.
Kao što možda znate, Deeping je jedan od najljepših Linux distribucija, ali postoje sumnje u njegovu upotrebu među Linux zajednicom. Što mislite o tome? Je li 100% sigurno instalirati i koristiti? Postoji li zabrinutost zbog privatnosti u vezi s Deepinom?
Thanks for that @Hary06 .

In that article, it says in part

If you want the good looks of Deepin without worrying about potential security and privacy issues, then you can just use the Deepin Desktop Environment on top of your favorite Linux distribution.

In fact, there’s a community edition of Manjaro on DDE as well as Ubuntu using DDE.

You can also get the Deepin DE for Fedora 35 and openSUSE tumbleweed at

Deepin DE can be loaded onto Linux Mint using the same PPA instructions as for Ubuntu.

Deepin DE can be loaded onto Linux Mint using the same PPA instructions as for Ubuntu.

For reasons I do not know, there are some Deepin packages available in the default repositories - but I'm not seeing a full desktop environment (without a PPA). But, yeah, there are like the Deepin calculator, installer, menu, etc...
The PPA does work on Linux Mint 20.3. and Deepin DE is installed and working
It's quite doggy on my machine slow to launch programs. I'll stick to Cinnamon.

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