Judge Orders U.S. Lawyer in Russian Botnet Case to Pay Google


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2017
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What I'm missing is 'cause'. The article doesn't appear to say, or I missed it. What I don't see is Google's 'standing' in all this.

It's well known that you can sue anyone for anything in the US - but that's not quite how it works. In order to sue someone, you have to show 'cause'. That is, you have to show that you were harmed in some fashion.

How did these malware people directly harm Google? What is Google's cause? How do they have standing to sue these people in a civil court?

In simple terms, I can't really sue you if you punched someone else in the mouth. You didn't harm me. The person you punched in the mouth can sue you, they have standing - that is you harmed them.

I am way too lazy to go wading through thousands of pages of documentation for the case. Well, that and I lack the time and expertise. LOL
""Glupteba is a rootkit that steals passwords and other access credentials, disables security software, and tries to compromise other devices on the victim network — such as Internet routers and media storage servers — for use in relaying spam or other malicious traffic.""

maybe they were better at this than google....

meaning of course that they interrupted googles servers etc
maybe they were better at this than google....


Buggered if I know. If I had the gumption and wasn't so apathetic, I'd click a few links to see if I can read the actual court documents and learn more about it. Meh...

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