ChatGPT can be super helpful in helping you to create or modify code. For a fun exercise I recently asked it to write a "dead man's switch" style script in python. Specifically to check if there have been any new files written to a specified directory within the last 7 days. If there was nothing newer than 7 days then send an email using the sendgrid API.
Here's the full conversation - it's pretty interesting!
Me: Write me a script that can be used as a dead man's switch that will make me do something until I don't. Have it check for any file in /path/to/file/ directory. If there is not a file that is less than 7 days old then it will use sendgrid api to send an email to [email protected].
ChatGPT: Here's a script in Python that will check for files in a specific directory and send an email through the SendGrid API if no new file has been added within the past 7 days:
Me: Great - please add code comments to that finished script
ChatGPT: Sure! Here's the same script with added comments:
Me: Will this work with python3?
ChatGPT: Yes, this script should work with Python 3. The sendgrid library supports both Python 2 and 3, and the core Python libraries used in the script (os, datetime) are compatible with both versions as well.
Me: If i had this script in ~/synner/scripts/ how would you call this in cron to run every night at midnight?
ChatGPT: To run the script every night at midnight using cron, you can add the following line to your crontab file:
This line specifies that the script should be executed every day at midnight (the first 0 represents the minute, and the second 0 represents the hour). The full path to the python3 executable is used to ensure that the correct version of Python is used, and the full path to the script is specified so that cron knows exactly which script to run.
To edit your crontab file, run the following command in your terminal:
This will open the crontab file for editing, and you can add the line above to the file and save it.
Note: The exact location of the python3 executable and the path to the script may be different on your system. Please make sure to use the correct paths for your setup.
This thing is pretty crazy. If you haven't tried it yet, go check it out here:
If you have played with it, what are you using it for?
Here's the full conversation - it's pretty interesting!
Me: Write me a script that can be used as a dead man's switch that will make me do something until I don't. Have it check for any file in /path/to/file/ directory. If there is not a file that is less than 7 days old then it will use sendgrid api to send an email to [email protected].
ChatGPT: Here's a script in Python that will check for files in a specific directory and send an email through the SendGrid API if no new file has been added within the past 7 days:
import os
import datetime
import sendgrid
from sendgrid.helpers.mail import Email, Content, Mail
path = "/path/to/file/"
now =
no_new_file = True
for filename in os.listdir(path):
file_path = os.path.join(path, filename)
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
file_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(file_path))
if (now - file_time).days <= 7:
no_new_file = False
if no_new_file:
sg = sendgrid.SendGridAPIClient(api_key=os.environ.get("SENDGRID_API_KEY"))
from_email = Email("[email protected]")
to_email = Email("[email protected]")
subject = "No new file in the past week"
content = Content("text/plain", "This is a reminder that no new file has been added to the specified directory in the past week.")
mail = Mail(from_email, subject, to_email, content)
Me: Great - please add code comments to that finished script
ChatGPT: Sure! Here's the same script with added comments:
import os
import datetime
import sendgrid
from sendgrid.helpers.mail import Email, Content, Mail
# Define the path to the directory to be checked
path = "/path/to/file/"
# Get the current time
now =
# Assume no new file is present until proven otherwise
no_new_file = True
# Loop through the files in the directory
for filename in os.listdir(path):
file_path = os.path.join(path, filename)
# Check if the current item is a file
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
# Get the modification time of the file
file_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(file_path))
# Check if the file was modified within the past 7 days
if (now - file_time).days <= 7:
# If a file was modified within the past 7 days, set no_new_file to False
no_new_file = False
# Stop looping through the files
# If no new file was found in the directory
if no_new_file:
# Create a SendGrid client object
sg = sendgrid.SendGridAPIClient(api_key=os.environ.get("SENDGRID_API_KEY"))
# Define the from email address
from_email = Email("[email protected]")
# Define the to email address
to_email = Email("[email protected]")
# Define the subject of the email
subject = "No new file in the past week"
# Define the content of the email
content = Content("text/plain", "This is a reminder that no new file has been added to the specified directory in the past week.")
# Create a Mail object and send the email
mail = Mail(from_email, subject, to_email, content)
Me: Will this work with python3?
ChatGPT: Yes, this script should work with Python 3. The sendgrid library supports both Python 2 and 3, and the core Python libraries used in the script (os, datetime) are compatible with both versions as well.
Me: If i had this script in ~/synner/scripts/ how would you call this in cron to run every night at midnight?
ChatGPT: To run the script every night at midnight using cron, you can add the following line to your crontab file:
0 0 * * * /usr/bin/python3 ~/synner/scripts/
This line specifies that the script should be executed every day at midnight (the first 0 represents the minute, and the second 0 represents the hour). The full path to the python3 executable is used to ensure that the correct version of Python is used, and the full path to the script is specified so that cron knows exactly which script to run.
To edit your crontab file, run the following command in your terminal:
crontab -e
This will open the crontab file for editing, and you can add the line above to the file and save it.
Note: The exact location of the python3 executable and the path to the script may be different on your system. Please make sure to use the correct paths for your setup.
This thing is pretty crazy. If you haven't tried it yet, go check it out here:
If you have played with it, what are you using it for?
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