Your call, Steve

(& I see Brian
@Condobloke , another Aussie, liked that, too)
Unlikely - Balena bought out Etcher 2nd half last year, so BalenaEtcher
is Etcher, used for burning .iso's, it is cross-platform, works from Windozey, Linux and Mac.
If you need help with another burning solution, just ask and let us know whether from Windows or Linux.
On verifying, we call them hash checks, SHAsum, hash algorithms, it can confuse. Then there is GPG for signatures, but that can be looked at another day

. It's all about making sure that what you want is what you get.
The Linux Mint details for SHAsum 256 are at their website.
Linux Mint 19 is 'Tara', 19.1 is 'Tessa'. If you check at your desktop, you can tell which one you are currently using by going to Menu and start to type in Welcome, its screen will show (also tells you the DE).
The SHA256 sum for Linux MInt 19 'Tara' Cinnamon 64-bit is
For 19.1 'Tessa' Cinnamon it is
On hash checking methods, there are different ways with Windows and with Linux.
For Windows, I would recommend
Under Linux, Terminal or GUI available
With Terminal, say your iso has the name
sha256sum linuxmint-19-cinnamon-64bit-v2.iso
# gives the output
c92a9baafdd599da057a97236f0a853ce1f8b3c7ad41e652ceba493f9ca5623f linuxmint-19-cinnamon-64bit-v2.iso
... and so on
For a GUI approach for point-and-clickers
try my Thread here, with GTKHash–-hashing-out-the-basics.4430/
That one has me a little curious. Jerry Bezencon produces Linux Lite, and with one exception, all his releases have been for BIOS/MBR, rather than for UEFI.
Anyway, see how you go and let us know.
@Zaki SI-Lounis ... love that signature, Mate