LibreWolf 102 Makes Sites Crash


Deleted member 111282

I recently upgraded from 90 (which still had varying degrees of tracking protection under settings > privacy and security), and now LW feels too hardened. Here's an example of it causing a website to crash:

Screenshot from 2022-07-27 23-44-28.png

Which settings do I change to get it to stop doing this?

Blocking scripts, or blocking ALL cookies, will usually bring most browsers unstuck
LibreWolf-102.0.1-1.x86_64 is good here with default settings. I did find the Librewolf FAQ informative. Maybe worth a read.
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Work your way down the page.

You might want to check the url for which is in your screenshot, as will not load whereas the home page for loads easily

Work your way down the page.

You might want to check the url for which is in your screenshot, as will not load whereas the home page for loads easily

After reading a few articles, I enabled NoScript and that got everything on the page to load except the pictures for some reason. Im wondering if the lack of images is caused by NoScript and should I use a different extension?

Screenshot from 2022-07-30 10-01-15.png
Disable noscript and reload the page to see if that's the problem. I found noscript quite painful to use although they say its the best protection you can get. Now I use ublock origin and privacy badger on firefox, I also followed this tutorial:

I did the first two chapters, the third one he said it will start breaking sites so I didn't do that

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