Linux Mint 21.3, from my perspective, is a rock solid distro. It is difficult to improve on perfection, but I am sure Clem will find a way.
There have been a few dramas with Hypnotix and also with the mirror system which delivers updates etc.....they are both under the microscope right now.
Fastly have been retained to run a lengthy test. This will establish if indeed using fastly's network is capable of providing a rock solid system to distribute updates etc etc worldwide.
For those interested, the ongoing results from users worldwide who are providing feedback on their experiences with fastly are provided here. The testing phase still has some time to run.
Hi everyone, We're currently testing the Fastly CDN, which has the potential to really boost the performance of our repositories. How to test Launch the Software Sources tool. Click on Restore the ...
Hypnotix, is a system whereby TV can be watched all over the world. Personally I think it is a distraction, but others see it as worthwhile. It has screw all to do with Linux. There are an uncountable number of factors that can affect its ability to play nice.
A recurring headache is the overactive WiFi power management, which creates WiFi instability reports all over the Linux Mint forum (and has done so for years). While the fix is easy: sudo sed -i 's...
Sometimes you get to see warnings when you boot your system. These are usually quite unimportant; Linux is notoriously talkative about even totally innocent "errors". Which is needlessly alarming f...