log hunting on embeded arm linux


New Member
Nov 20, 2024
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Hello, i am old noob, the worst kind because i rarely retain informations for long. But that often happens when you almost 40 and try to learn something new, and not use it daily for extended period of time. So basically i been using linux in and out for certain tasks and my know how is very case specyfic, i can write basic scripts , use very basic commands, use vi and generally mostly use tool oriented live distros like clonezilla or gparted live, anything debian based i might figure out by myself, but sometimes i dig into strange embeded systems, and this is one of those cases.

I been trying to patch ethernet connection via bus network adapter to an oscilloscope. Scope runs on some versions of cut down pheonix arm linux ment for rawsberry pi nano if i am not mistaken.
There is no compiler, no packet mannager, only one usb interface shared between in and out communication, and no serial port. Currently the only communication with the device i have is over virtual serial connection patched to firmware via update funcion. but that is not enough because either front port works as a host for usb devices, or back port works as a retminal and remote scope access.
Connecting anything to both ports at the same time changes the functionality of usb to a simple passtrough .

I alredy veryfied that ip stack is present, both ip and iffconfig are present as avalable commands, and i have write access to the internal storage as root, and i can execute scripts i made.
The stairs start at my level of understanding linux on a deeper level. I need to find event logs from usb device insertions, i have no idea if they are even retained, because i need to find out if kernel has drivers for ch341 serial usb chip or network adapter, i have no idea what kernel scope is running and what custom compilation of it has cut out, for space and speed. if it does i need to patch tty session to one of those devices. Problem is if i run my script as root from that virtual console and unplug the cable, the script is killed aling with tty session. And my loop of lsusb >>some .txt, and sleep 2 secunds, never write anything to the file while usb is in host mode when i actually can plug usb devices into it. It only writes stuff when i am loged in. So i need to look for bread crumbs in the logs.

If anyone can point me to what and where to look for i would be very greatfull.
