Lubuntu 20.04 how install nvidia proprietary metapackage driver in an offline system ?


Aug 12, 2020
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Hello thanks for read my post.
Here is Lubuntu 20.04 64.
I have an computer not being possible to access internet to use additional drivers and select nvidia proprietary metapackage latest version.
I has used an machine with Lubuntu 20.04 64 and had selected to use additional driver and nvidia proprietary metapackage latest version instead of default nouveau driver and also have all downloaded files saved in an folder.
Before selecting additional drivers I had updated the PPA from graphics repository and thus is displayed the latest version.
The current driver is 450.XXX.
When installing Lubuntu 20.04 64 is displayed to select only previous versions thus how to configure or update the system to be displayed latest version and to use saved downloaded driver files ?
Thanks for reply.

First add PPA repository and update
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt-get update

After go to Additional Drivers and the latest proprietary driver will be available.
Select and wait the download.
After of some minutes automatically the system will be nvidia proprietary drivers and disabled nouveau driver.
I had tried manually disable nouveau driver using command and blacklist, but not work.
Try this, substituting driver number for the number in the example (

(Two different webpages, so do not worry about numbering here)
Thanks for reply.
The reply is about installing the video driver from nvidia ?
I wait to install nvidia metapackage driver from metapackage open source ( the driver listed in ADDITIONAL DRIVERS in SOFTWARE SOURCE ).
I have copied all files downloaded by installing using additional drivers, but when reinstalling the system not is displayed the last version thus I need how to save or create configuration files to be displayed the driver last version.
About the commands above I will try when test to install the system because if anything goes wrong the system not will start.
I do not know how one would install a metapackage without internet access.

The quoted sources above are meant to be a references, not a solution necessarily. And, yes, they pertain to install of the nVidia driver and at the same time the blacklisting of nouveau.

IME it is much easier now, with the metapackage to which you refer and also (in Debian distros only) the script smxi (see, than in the past to get the proprietary drivers working as desired.
Thanks for reply and the link.
When installing metapackage the downloaded files wil be installed and not deleted.
All files is here /var/cache/apt/archives/.
Is possible copy all files and in an new system installation copy all file back to that folder, but to be installed need update or change the version value in additional drivers panel to exact version of all files.
I only need known how to change the version.
If copied all files to folder and updated the version using PPA is possible install not using internet access thus avoiding download driver files all again. Tested and working correctly.
In this case, PPA has proven useful -- good job and thanks for the working explanation!

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