make is a utility for end users or for programmers/developers?

Very good!!!

But I think there would be a post to review

You can see some parts in red, and in general there are some salient parts of this discussion.

You can see that you can keep everything under control, and you don't have my problem of biting your tail.


Just here is the matter (let's keep it in mind).

Wouldn't it be appropriate to at least give some comments/answers?

Otherwise the discussion will remain largely inconclusive.
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Very good!!!

But I think there would be a post to review

You can see some parts in red, and in general there are some salient parts of this discussion.

Wouldn't it be appropriate to at least give some comments/answers?

Otherwise the discussion will remain largely inconclusive.
I've already given you an option that best suits you lack of time/willingness to use anything complex. I even posted an educational PoC script which you refined somewhat, so you get the gist of using manual versioning. It's up to you now to deploy it.
The docker link you suggested, leads to other links er-date/
✅ tent/official-images/

and more.
I've read the ones checked.
I'll read the others; time will tell.

In addition to what I've already acquired, could I find something interesting?

I also hope to find the explanation to try to understand what is wrong... (see the first part)

Anyway, I repeat, time permitting, I'm trying to keep busy.
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In addition to what I've already acquired, could I find something interesting?

Who knows...

I also hope to find the explanation to try to understand what is wrong... (see the first part)

I'm continuing to document myself, but for the moment no confirmation.
Is it worth continuing?

Anyway, I repeat, time permitting, I'm trying to keep busy.

Honestly, I'm starting to get a little tired.


Could this be helpful?

I didn't understand much, but could this be helpful?

And then there would be this very long page to read

and then more, and then more.

I have the impression that I'm reading an encyclopedia, to solve a trivial problem.

Any more targeted suggestions or examples, no?
Unfortunately if you onboard any new technology, it's best to gain a comprehensive understanding first. I personally found it was a better ROI on time to stick with what I had, which at the time was a small set of utility scripts, for my own projects. When collaborating on Tainted Skies, the team went with git, so that decision was made for me, lol. In later years I found using a cloud service with versioning was easiest. So it boils down to the long run, too. Some technologies, like Docker, have other uses like isolated environments which allows you to deploy things without messing with your system, and in a way that makes life more portable. If you feel overwhelmed, set smaller goals. Be able to use a container. Then be able to maintain containers, and so forth. It's important to take breaks from the reading and focus on the doing, even if the doing isn't much. It's a lot like getting into Linux or learning any skill, even things like woodwork or cooking.

I'll suggest again that you check out Youtube. Not all tutorials are equal but the info is more condensed and focuses on teaching you pragmatics. So long as you learn from multiple sources so you have different perspectives, which helps you figure out best practices.
Make is a very handy tool along with configure In the old days 1990's you had no choice with many programs as they just were not compiled for may Distros. So you had to install them using make.


As pointed out today there are many alternatives and you can find most programs that are not compiled for a distro's repositories as an appimage, flatpack or snap. And avoid having to make it.

mmmhhh... could you explain yourself a little better?

mmmhhh... could you explain yourself a little better?
Well most programs you desire to use today all ready come in some usable format. So you can avoid using make, but someone along the line at some point in the process had to build the desired program for use by the end user to conform to the distros or Cross platform Media (appimage, flatpack or snap) During that process of building Make is most likely used at some point. The Fact that end users to do not often see this work. But there are occasions still that require one to use tools like configure and or make and make install to make a particular program work on your distro of choice. I'll admit it's not aa prevalent as it used to be and That is a good thing for many people.
Make's purpose is to build a project by compiling only those source files that have changed since the previous build, resolving dependencies along the way, according to well defined rules (with a sane set of default rules).


Is it a good idea to use two separate directories (development directory and production/compiling/building directory)?

Here is a concrete example

# SOURCE     : dev       (the development directory)
# DESTINATION: ../prod   (the production/compiling/building directory)

+ cd dev

+ rsync \
	-a \
	--exclude makefile \
	--exclude a \
	--exclude b \
	--delete \
	--delete-excluded \
	. \

+ find

+ cat makefile
	cat a b > x
	cat ${SRC}/a ${SRC}/b > x

+ make \
	-f $PWD/makefile \
	-C ../prod \
+ make: Entering directory '/tmp/tmp.acvquFbBZk/prod'
cat a b > x
cat: a: No such file or directory
cat: b: No such file or directory

Let's try again with <B>test2</B>

+ make \
	-f $PWD/makefile \
	-C ../prod \
make: Entering directory '/tmp/tmp.acvquFbBZk/prod'
cat /a /b > x
cat: /a: No such file or directory
cat: /b: No such file or directory

mmmhhh... it doesn't work, maybe because, in reality, the variable ${SRC} doesn't exist: I abandoned myself to my intuition...

So how to solve?

Anyway, as already said at the beginning, Is it a good idea to use two separate directories?
Or, especially if you use make command, is it better to do everything in one directory (have source files and compiled files in a single directory)?


I don't understand much English and I don't speak English, so try to answer calmly and clearly.
One question at a time, one answer at a time; but at the same time try to answer all the questions.
Let me understand the concepts well!!!
Calm down, calm down, examine carefully what I wrote, and then calmly answer, otherwise I am forced to always ask for further explanations.
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Include the files a and b in the rsync command by removing them from the --exclude options.
Modify the makefile to reference the files from the dev directory instead of the ../prod directory
In this way they would end up in the directory ../prod (which is not desired).

Right now you're excluding both a and b. So there's nothing to see anywhere.

An "visual" example?

+ make \ -f $PWD/makefile \ -C ../prod \

Your make file is making "prod". But your script is looking for "a" or "b".

A good practice for you might be is to start with what you want to do in a bash shell script.
You need to learn bash before writing make files. Yes, I know that won't work with this build.
A makefile isn't exactly the same as a bash script, but they are similar in many ways.

But copy your script above into bash shell script.

The first two lines should look like this.

set -x

(the rest of your script goes here)

The set -x will show you where it is breaking.

Makefiles and Bash scripts share several similarities, as both are used to automate tasks and manage workflows. Here are some key similarities:

  1. Automation: Both Makefiles and Bash scripts are used to automate repetitive tasks, such as compiling code, running tests, or deploying applications.
  2. Shell Commands: Both can execute shell commands. In a Makefile, you define rules that contain shell commands, while in a Bash script, you write the shell commands directly.
  3. Variables: Both support the use of variables to store values that can be reused throughout the file. In Makefiles, you define variables using the = operator, while in Bash scripts, you use the = operator without spaces.
  4. Conditionals: Both support conditional statements to control the flow of execution. Makefiles use ifeq, ifneq, ifdef, and ifndef, while Bash scripts use if, elif, else, and fi.
  5. Functions: Both can define and use functions to encapsulate reusable code. In Makefiles, you can define functions using the define directive, while in Bash scripts, you define functions using the function keyword or simply by writing the function name followed by parentheses.
  6. Dependencies: Both can manage dependencies. Makefiles are particularly known for managing file dependencies in build processes, while Bash scripts can also check for the existence of files or directories before proceeding with certain tasks.
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Your make file is making "prod". But your script is looking for "a" or "b".

making "prod"...


But your script is looking for "a" or "b".

Which script?

A good practice for you might be is to start with what you want to do in a bash shell script.
You need to learn bash before writing make files. Yes, I know that won't work with this build.

...won't work...???

A makefile isn't exactly the same as a bash script, but they are similar in many ways.

But copy your script above into bash shell script.

Which script?
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A packager is a person who often times donates their time to produce binary packages from source code (made by the programmers) to make a package that can be installed easily on the distro of choice. either .deb or rpm. Or some other format. Some of them work for big companies and get paid, but many work as volunteers and do the work and you see only the finished product. I once did this for a now dead distro. It's a lot of work but has it's own rewards also. The end product is the multitude of programs and packages that are available via your distro's repository. Today some programers are doing appimage, Flatpacks and snaps to avoid this step and make their work available across distros. But some where in the process the program still has to be made usable to the average user.

I didn't quite understand the last part

But some where in the process the program still has to be made usable to the average user.

Could you explain better?
I didn't quite understand the last part

But some where in the process the program still has to be made usable to the average user.

Could you explain better?
I think what I was saying here is most programs made by programmers are in source code. Not installable at that point by most end users. Someone usually a packager, who either works for a Distro or volunteers there efforts has to do the work of talking the source code and compiling it so it is installable on the particular distro involved. Most end user just assume this work is done and they can install a .deb, .rpm or other format. The end result is that you have a package that can be used quite easily. There are still a very few that must be installed using config, make and make install. But they are rare today.
Someone usually a packager, who either works for a Distro or volunteers there efforts has to do the work of talking the source code

has to do the work of talking the source code?


In what sense?
He has to talk about it with whom?
Must talk about it in public?
Do you have to talk about it during some conference?
When you write a bash shell script, a binary program, called a command interpreter known as "bash"
interprets the commands in your bash shell script and runs them for you.

"make" is similar. You or someone has to write a makefile. It's a script that someone wrote.
"make" is a binary program which also is a command interpreter. You don't do anything with bash or make
except run them to interpret your commands. The makefile and bash script are the parts you write.

# Makefile for a simple C program

# Compiler
CC = gcc

# Compiler flags
CFLAGS = -Wall -g

# Target executable
TARGET = myprogram

# Source files
SRCS = main.c

# Object files
OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)

# Default target
all: $(TARGET)

# Rule to build the target executable
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJS)

# Rule to build object files
%.o: %.c
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

# Clean up generated files
    rm -f $(OBJS) $(TARGET)

# Phony targets
.PHONY: all clean

Note this doesn't have any of my actual C code in it. This just tells the compiler
how to compile my C code.

This a "C" example, but Makefiles can be created for java, fortran, python, rust and a few other compiled languages.
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I can't speak for everyone, maybe we should have a poll sometime. But most "end users" don't have c/c++/fortran/java/rust/go compilers installed on their systems. They don't want to compile stuff. They just want to run programs that are already compiled by a developer.

But they want more than that. They don't simply want a compiled binary, they want all the dependency libraries that go with it,
and as @kc1di mentioned, they usually want it packaged so I can install it easily. That's a whole other discussion, how to package applications is a whole other discipline than programming binaries.
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When you write a bash shell script, a binary program, called a command interpreter known as "bash"
interprets the commands in your bash shell script and runs them for you.

"make" is similar. You or someone has to write a makefile. It's a script that someone wrote.
"make" is a binary program which also is a command interpreter. You don't do anything with bash or make
except run them to interpret your commands. The makefile and bash script are the parts you write.

# Makefile for a simple C program

# Compiler
CC = gcc

# Compiler flags
CFLAGS = -Wall -g

# Target executable
TARGET = myprogram

# Source files
SRCS = main.c

# Object files
OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)

# Default target
all: $(TARGET)

# Rule to build the target executable
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJS)

# Rule to build object files
%.o: %.c
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

# Clean up generated files
    rm -f $(OBJS) $(TARGET)

# Phony targets
.PHONY: all clean

Note this doesn't have any of my actual C code in it. This just tells the compiler
how to compile my C code.

This a "C" example, but Makefiles can be created for java, fortran, python, rust and a few other compiled languages.
Ok, now it's clear
