Well-Known Member
[a work in progress since my notes all over the place and needing a concat ]
Our daughter 16 September is going to college ; between the 2 kids they have each a H.P stream laptop with 32gig hard drive. My wife asked me to a) look at them both
b) make sure you can log in
c) Assess if its going to be of use for my daughter at college.
Well I decided for our 8 yrs old Windows 10 would remain - but what a nightmare i couldn't even install ccleaner from piriform due to "s" mode . I gave up
For my daughter i decided that with a full hd I needed to install Linux , so that a reasonable space was left.
Well might as well have a go at installing Arch -this time using vanilla Arch is with new "guided install".
after all its not going to wreck my laptop is it!
The guided install quite frankly was hopeless; so i reverted to manual. I decided to be easy on myself boot slackware live and use gParted. I went for new partition table gpt and wiped everything , then fat32 for efi , circa 27gig for root leaving 1.5 gig for swap. Finished that booted down from Slackware, then booted up from vanilla Arch iso
First thing is internet connection is going to be needed so i used command :
first confirm partitions as seen from Arch installer
I think thats basically it - will have to check pencil notes all over the place
The other i did install was nemo-fileroller
Our daughter 16 September is going to college ; between the 2 kids they have each a H.P stream laptop with 32gig hard drive. My wife asked me to a) look at them both
b) make sure you can log in
c) Assess if its going to be of use for my daughter at college.
Well I decided for our 8 yrs old Windows 10 would remain - but what a nightmare i couldn't even install ccleaner from piriform due to "s" mode . I gave up
For my daughter i decided that with a full hd I needed to install Linux , so that a reasonable space was left.
Well might as well have a go at installing Arch -this time using vanilla Arch is with new "guided install".
after all its not going to wreck my laptop is it!
The guided install quite frankly was hopeless; so i reverted to manual. I decided to be easy on myself boot slackware live and use gParted. I went for new partition table gpt and wiped everything , then fat32 for efi , circa 27gig for root leaving 1.5 gig for swap. Finished that booted down from Slackware, then booted up from vanilla Arch iso
First thing is internet connection is going to be needed so i used command :
station list [got wlan0]
station wlan0 get-networks
station wlan0 connect <my ssid for wifi>
exit to get out of iwctl
ping //worked so
ctrl +c
first confirm partitions as seen from Arch installer
fdisk -l
//got :
mmcblkop1 // efi fat 32
mmcblkop2 //main partition ext4 for root
mmcblkop3 //linux swap
# mount /dev/mmcblkop2 /mnt
# pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware base-devel vim nano grub efibootmgr
//note if you don't install base-devel you won't install sudo and you will find that your /etc/sudoers file is missing when you go to edit it
# genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
# arch-chroot /mnt
//arch-chroot is new to me , normally i just use chroot then cd into /mnt
//i used pwd to confirm I was in context of "/"
# timedatectl list-timezones
# timedatectl set-timezone Europe/London
# nano /etc/locale.gen // i uncommented en_GB.UTF-8
# locale-gen
# echo LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 > /etc/locale.conf
# export LANG=en_GB.UTF-8
# echo darkstar > /etc/hostname //where darkstar will be my computers name (host)
# touch /etc/hosts
filed in with :
::1 darkstar.localdomain darkstar
# makedir /boot/efi
# mount /dev/mmcblkop1 /boot/efi
# grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --bootloader-id=GRUB --efi-directory=/boot/efi
//gave no errors
# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
//confirm graphics
# lspci -v | grep -A1 -e VGA -e 3D
//mines intel
# pacman -S xf86-video-intel mesa
# pacman -S xorg
#pacman -S cinnamon gnome-terminal kitty lightdm lightdm-greeter
# systemctl enable lightdm
# systemctl enable NetworkManager
//add wife as user
# useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash gina
# passwd gina // follow your nose
# EDITOR=nano visudo
//uncomment # from
# %wheel ALL=(All) All
//i doubt my wife will do admin , but saves me time to do sudo from her account when hses loggedin
I think thats basically it - will have to check pencil notes all over the place
The other i did install was nemo-fileroller
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