Yes...been there .....worn the Tshirt out.
I am fairly certain it bypasses Linux's inbuilt keyring security aspect...I am by no means certain of that fact....not certain at all.....but I take umbrage with brave for not fixing the bloody thing
They can apparently cater to the 'sniff ' brigade who want pretty colours on every damn thing but cannot fix a basic requirement in their browser. They can only spread that sort of bs with me for so long....and then I get the tom tits (wasn't that poetic !?)
I do hope that Midori stay sane enough, long enough, to achieve what they are obviously capable of achieving.
I had a weird instance yesterday....
@ponchale ...please read
I opened my home I do a million times a day.
I clicked on the first one (there are 4)....and i was reading the, wiped that page and three others from my 'home page' list a month ago!!!!....(simply because I am fed up with reading about 'bad' news, incessantly)
I digress....what the hell !
In a nutshell, Midori had somehow 'found' those url's and inserted them into Midori's 'Home and New Windows' setting
I am not content with a "oh that's idea how that happened"