New to the Linux

So I did some searching and found answers for windows.
For some reason I couldn't delete a recovery that was linked to Linux
I was in windows so I could start fresh reinstall of Linux. so this is what I did after setting up the Linux partition.
Partition delete windows.png
I just switched back over to windows to find it was an extra windows recovery lol! FML
OK, so is your Windows OK and you are looking to reinstall Linux?

Before you do that, take a defrag of Windows. Then if you do not have a recovery disk, I found a 16GB USB stick was sufficient.

I'm back in action on Linux again.
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I made a few noob mistakes on this whole mess but learned something from it.
I have two USB thumb drives one for Linux the other for Windows been there too many times.
In case of emergence stick in hole.
Screenshot at 2019-01-10 01-08-32.png

So all that just to even out the drive of two OS .

Going like a pro, mate !
No more windows for me it's too boring lol!
It's like the same old anitvirus need a crutch to stand on bullshit.
Dual boot was cool and that was the 1st time i have ever done such a thing but it's time to let windows go not sad about!
I did an oem install today and cleaned up all the other crap that windows left behind on it's journey to hell.


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I just realised I repeated myself from two posts ago !

I love running Linux updates....just a click, a password, and it just happens.

Have you setup which updates you receive ?

Tobey,,,,have you enabled your firewall ?

It has to be the most relaxed feeling in the world.....simply Knowing that if for some reason (usually the operator) my os goes south, I can yawn, activate timeshift, make a cuppa, and I am back in business. Guaranteed.

Any questions, suggestions, etc etc etc.....just ask.
Yes, all updated and firewall active even got the Timeshift on deck captain!
I would've never known to do all that had I not had you guys to help me through this in the 1st couple of days of having this great system!
THank You!
Life can be simple and easy...we just have to take the steps to make and keep it that way.

I used to have win 10 running on a virtual machine.....Now....pfft !....wiped it. It just wasn't necessary....nor of any interest.

I regularly read another forum which covers all OS's......the busiest part of that forum is win 10. The problems they encounter are mind shattering/soul destroying.

I used to participate very actively in that forum as well....mainly with malware removal but also with more general problems. No more. I really don't need the headache in my life.

The only downside of Linux to me is occasional boredom. The bloody thing just refuses to break. ;)
Windows taught me how to restore windows and use other programs to prevent attacks to my computer lol!
I mean for a company as big as windows you mean to tell me they don't know how to make a non flawed system like this free one? Or are they the ones creating viruses and giving you deals on virus software that they may or may not have their pockets's easy money for windows to play the role of spydoctor ect..
Oh, no! our sales are dropping put out a virus time!
And then you get one software you think has everything you need up pops oh yeah we don't cover malware. lol
c'mon man really windows?
You end up asking yourself (and anyone else who will listen)...why windows?


It has been there since before most of its users were born.

Linux in earlier times was inhabited by geeks...of the worst kind. They were quite insistent on keeping this weirdo system all to themselves ....and they did a good job at that !

As for msft's incentives/proclivities......I have read about and discussed every single one of them and arrived at the inescapable conclusion that they have only ONE incentive. Money.

Msft makes its money from the business world. Retailers, small companies...(up to 1000 employees ) etc etc....the sale of the OS must run at a would have to....considering the man hours it must take to keep the rotten thing alive. But....the seed is sown in young, xbox etc etc...os as they age....they instinctively go with windows. It is an ingrained habit/mindset

msft are one of the smartest companies on the face of the earth. Pains in the bum....but smart business wise

Could they build a non flawed system ?...that has been my cry for many years.....of course they can !!!......So....why don't they ? In some perverse way the "advertising" generated by complaints etc keeps the system in the minds eye of everyone on the planet.....and it is only recently that people such as yourself have started to complain/say.....Is there a viable alternative......and they/you have said it loud enough to be heard.......Yes there is. Linux.

Linus Torvalds recent outburst that there are too many distros is correct......there are too many .....and one way another there is only a smidgen of difference between them !....they all do the same bloody thing.

Is there a xbox type distro amongst them ?...No. Will Linux ever scale the dizzy heights that msft has without something similar to rope the kids and young adults in ?..No my soap box now

I dont think they contribute to live virus attacks,,,the community is far too aware/awake to allow something like that to go unnoticed. That would be just the opportunity that the msft haters need !!

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