Newbie looking for defferent tools/apps to use


New Member
Jun 20, 2020
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Just got a new Linux desktop from System 76.

So I'm a newbie.
Would like to get some recommendations for various tools/apps. Some of the things I'm looking for , nothing exotic just for basic needs, a basic text editor, spreadsheet, database, sound editor, video downloader.....

I did download Audacity but I'm having issues to get it started.
Also, I've tried downloading Editpad LITE and having issues with that as well.

Hello @cowboy
Welcome to the forum. Which distro are you using? Most of what your asking for is in one form or another already installed in most major distros. Libreoffice has spread sheet, Almost all Distro I've ever used come with a text editor of some type.
Give us a little more info on your set up.
Text editor, spreadsheet: LibreOffice
Sound editor: Tenacity
If it came from System 76 then most likely it has Pop OS preinstalled since they make it which is based on Ubuntu, it should come with a Software Manager - But not 100% for sure since I do not use Pop OS - so I would start there it is broken down by categories
Which System76 machine do you have? I have a Thelio Mira (intel) and love it.

If you are using POP, the gnome text editor is good and installed by default. If you want to get ahead of the curve you can install Cosmic Editor and give it a try since it will become the default for POP with the next OS upgrade. The new editor is working well and I use it about 50% of the time.

Again if you are using POP_OS! I would install the new Cosmic App store and start using it. The Cosmic App Store works better than the current POP Shop. I have been using the new app instead of the POP Shop for a couple of months now, and it will also be the default after the next upgrade.

As mentioned above LibreOffice is a good spreadsheet program. I don't use a sound editor so can not comment.
G'day cowboy, Welcome to

Seeing you are a self confessed 'newbie'....I would adopt a slightly different approach

You have not given us much detail about your system or yourself, so is it reasonable to assume that you have very little clues when it comes to Linux in general ?

If it is.... Timeshift may be your best new friend

Timeshift acts like (but actually works) windows system restore

It saves snapshots automatically to an External drive. Just to give you an idea, I keep 3 daily snapshots and 1 boot snapshot. This is sufficient for me. Being new you may need trhe addition of 1 weekly as well?...perhaps?
The external drive needs to be formatted ext4, and needs to have a bit of space.

More later after you reply.

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