Wow ... wicked. Thanks for the tip, Jas. 

Thanks Wizard...guess we're both "old fogies".Crikey, not another Senior (@ShowMeRon you are 4 weeks older than I) ... I suspect we are going to take over the world, or at least the Linux world?
Welcome to, several of us run PCLOS so either we can learn from you, or you from us, or both ... a 2-way street
Thanks for sharing
OK, seeing as we're starting from scratch with the new - I figured we may as well resurrect this classic thread in the Desktop section..... Simply post a screenshot of your Desktop!
Here's my current desktop - dwm running on Debian testing, with a fairly vanilla conky config:
View attachment 4 NOTE: Normally I have the top-bar hidden - I don't like too many GUI things getting in the way and wasting valuable screen-space. I just made the top-bar visible for the screenshot, so you could see the whole thing.
As the floating heads in Rick and Morty said:
"Show me what you've got!"
My simple desktop tick...tick...tick!
Now you see, there's something new ... I didn't know there was a LibreCAD, will have to look into it.
GParted is like an Amex card (to me) - don't leave home without it. Like the car, too
Thanks for sharing @Bayou Bengal