@Stellaris :-
No; that's
not the default 'look'. One thing about me that many of you may not yet be aware of, and that is that I customize the hell out of my distros AND especially desktops. Always have done.
A lifetime of interest in graphic design will DO that to you!
Rather than mess about with actual 'docks' - which, frankly, I often find awkward as hell to set up - I opt for a simpler approach; drawing the 'docks' directly onto the wallpaper. This way, I can set them exactly where I want them; it's an approach I first trialled way back during the last years of Windows XP. It worked rather nicely, so I've stuck with it, and refined it over time.
(I also don't use icon themes. I have a vast, eclectic collection - nearly 800 ATM - of icons I've either sourced via 1000s of online searches OR created myself over the course of many years. I loathe the modern fad for the "flat look" with a vengeance; my own tastes run more to the Vista-era stuff, when icons had subtle shading & highlights, and had far more of a 3D appearance to them.
Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks, as the saying goes!)
That's NOT conky, BTW. It's Bill Wilson's very nifty
gKrellM, sporting the "DreamWorks" theme along with the
gkleds and
gkx86info plugins, and making use of the "Exo 2" font that I snagged on FontSquirrel 3 or 4 years ago. It's my default font across the kennels.....though more often in 'standard' appearance as opposed to italic.
Because gKrellM has a clock function, and you can customise absolutely every single aspect of the thing, I've enlarged it to the point where it serves nicely as my desktop timepiece!
I like my GUIs, and I like my own, personal approach to a desktop layout. I can use the terminal as well as most of you.....but I know what I prefer to look at, and to use (to the point where I'll build my own YAD-based GUIs for some of the utilities I put together for the community).
It may not be to everyone's taste, but I'm the one who has to look at it every day!