PowerDNS server updating


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Nov 6, 2023
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Hi, I made PowerDNS server for my Lab and it works fantastic. For configuration I used some materials from Internet and some from existing PowerDNS servers on my company.

On the server where manual IP address settings are made, I have following:


$PUBLIC_IP = This is the Public IP of the router where PowerDNS server resides.

Now if i want to run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade, I cannot resolve to apt mirrors, but can resolve IP addresses. And of course can resolve domains that PowerDNS manages.

My question is: Is it okay to put as secondary DNS on PowerDNS server as that would allow me to resolve to apt mirrors in order to update?

My question is: Is it okay to put as secondary DNS on PowerDNS server as that would allow me to resolve to apt mirrors in order to update?
It should work but note that "secondary" does not mean that it will be used only if primary fails but anytime DNS response of the secondary is faster, which might as well mean all the time.

If I'm you I'd rather investigate why your primary doesn't work, a place to start is PowerDNS config file (I assume there is one).
also be aware that some websites do not accept from cloudfare - this is an issue with the Cloudflare DNS getting the records from the authorative DNS, This usually happens when that authoritative DNS has an extensive firewall upfront - so it may be better to which is Google but it does not have the issue - which I will say does not happen on all websites just a very few of them
It should work but note that "secondary" does not mean that it will be used only if primary fails but anytime DNS response of the secondary is faster, which might as well mean all the time.

If I'm you I'd rather investigate why your primary doesn't work, a place to start is PowerDNS config file (I assume there is one).
Yes updating config has to be it. This same scenario is with the company ns so it replicates on mine as I used it as reference. Here is my configuration (Pastebin) https://pastebin.com/enJHLurP

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