Removing Wireless Kernel Driver

Dec 19, 2022
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I've Installed a Wireless Driver using dkms but I Want to Remove Older How to Do So.
I see 2 wifi devices in control panel.

Thanks <:

Which drivers did you install before and how did you install them?
Before success, I was getting 2 wifi devices already shown to you.
now wifi is working fine and 1 wifi only. :)

How I did :)

I did some constructive critisize to community because i was not getting any anwser for 2 3 hour.
Thanks to
Because they helped in Past.
I did some constructive critisize to community because i was not getting any anwser for 2 3 hour.
Linux.or is a small community with members from all over the world, it will sometimes take longer for people to respond because of living in different time zones.
I executed commands via dkms method in driver build from source.
Before this Above Method I Installed though,
I fixed by installing though,
  1. sudo make
  2. sudo make install
  3. sudo modprobe rtl88x22ce
For the dkms method probably these two commands.
sudo dkms remove -m rtl88x2ce -v 35403
sudo dkms uninstall -m rtl88x2ce -v 35403
And for the make method run the following command from the directory of the cloned git repo.
sudo make uninstall
I did some constructive critisize to community because i was not getting any anwser for 2 3 hour.

That was not constructive, it was pointless and stupid.

Just in case of any misapprehension on your part, we are not an official arm nor organ of Linux, just scored the dot org name - we are manned by volunteer staff who share a love of Linux and have varying skills in various departments.

Do not expect someone to answer your question within minutes or even hours, especially if you have not worded your support question well.

Chris Turner
That was not constructive, it was pointless and stupid.

Just in case of any misapprehension on your part, we are not an official arm nor organ of Linux, just scored the dot org name - we are manned by volunteer staff who share a love of Linux and have varying skills in various departments.

Do not expect someone to answer your question within minutes or even hours, especially if you have not worded your support question well.

Chris Turner
That was not constructive, it was pointless and stupid.

Just in case of any misapprehension on your part, we are not an official arm nor organ of Linux, just scored the dot org name - we are manned by volunteer staff who share a love of Linux and have varying skills in various departments.

Do not expect someone to answer your question within minutes or even hours, especially if you have not worded your support question well.

Chris Turner
Ok Sir!
(; I understood!
Don't be Angry on Noobie Bro.
I don't know much just in joined.
I'll will consider your statement next time.
Not to expect answer in minutes

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