Well done,
@Trynna3, that is a good approach for you to take.
I remember in my early linux days, I attempted to "lighten" the load on my then pc by swinging from cinnamon to mate, and I had it in mind if that didnt brighten things up I would drop to xfce.
The short of the story is, I did not need to drop to xfce because my pc borked/spat the dummy/crashed and burned....etc before I ever had the chance. A reinstall was forthcoming !
I second the use of Timeshift....I wish I had known of its existence back then....it would have saved me a tremendous amount of work.
I can do a reinstall/fresh install in under 2o mminutes now....such was not the case back then ! I knew close to zero, or at the very least not far from that.
So, from memory I don't think you have come across Timeshift in your journey (short as it is) just yet.
We will remedy that for you at the first opportunity.
In a nutshell, Timeshift is similar to windows system restore. The Major differences are that Timeshift actually works and can be depended on.
By any chance, do you have an external drive that you might be able to use to store Timeshift's snapshots on ?