Rock Roxx

As for Signs, there was a band that did a cover (Tesla) in 1990. They did a fine job, though it was not with electric instruments (other than the bass, which was a Hofner 'violin bass' most popularly used by Paul McCartney). In a nod to the originals, it was on an album titled 'The Five Man Acoustical Jam'.

The other stringed instruments had sound hole mounted pickups.

I quite liked that version, David -ta for sharing ;)
My 9th concert was Melanie Safka, usually simply known as Melainie.

It was 24th July 1977, at Her Majesties Theatre in Queen Street Brisbane. This was a small intimate theatre which also doubled or trebled up as a venue for live theatre and films.

When Melanie performed for us, she explained that she had a slight throat problem which prevented her from executing a small vocal feature in the following song, but the concert was thoroughly enjoyable.

"Brand New Key"

and "Lay Down (Candles In The Rain"

Over 50 years on, that song still gives me goosebumps.

The subtitles leave something to be desired, but the Dutch were an enthusiastic audience. Goodon'em, :)
that song still gives me goosebumps
This song does this for me:

Full disclosure: I've known her since she was a learning-the-trade coffee shop girl. I've been on stage with her a number of times. I know her well enough to have gone to her wedding.

She's achieved quite a bit of fame since those early days playing for a few bucks (and tips) in coffee shops. Her husband (Trucks) is a fantastic guitar player and her own playing has improved a great deal over the years. If there's a famous blues musician, she's been on stage with them. Some of my favorite shows are those she did with the late BB King.

If you dig around on YouTube you can find them (and others) in England. If you do that, pay attention to when the camera pans the audience. Even Slash was there! One of the most endearing moments I've ever witnessed was when BB King decided he wanted to wear Slash's hat. (If he wants to wear your hat, you let him. Well, not now. He's too dead for that.)

Anyhow, she has some fantastic work. She now has quite a bit of fame in the blues music industry/genre. She's no longer playing for a half-dozen people in a coffee shop.
I quite like that, the name is familiar but I think it is the first time I have heard her. There is a Joplinesque sound to her voice, I feel.

BB King? Saw the great man with U2 in 1989, that will be coming up when I get to covering my 25th concert (we are at 9 so far), a fair way away.

Keep on rockin'

BB King? Saw the great man with U2 in 1989,

I'm a huge blues fan, so I've seen BB many times. I'm not actually sure how many times. I'd have to spend time thinking about it as I never kept a mental list. I've been to a whole lot of shows.

As hinted at above, I even went to England (Royal Albert Hall) just to go to a specific show that had a bunch of my favorite people in it. That's not even the furthest I've gone for a show.

Music has been a pretty big part of my life.

BB King was the most gregarious person on stage that I've ever witnessed. I suspect you could have been a beginner with your instrument and he'd have still let you play and encouraged you. I never did share the stage with him. LOL
If you like Tedeschi Trucks you should like this.

LOL I was at their wedding, However, I've never played with him. I've met him a dozen or so times.

Man, for a pair of musicians, they've been married for quite a while. That doesn't happen very often.

If I have the story correct, they met each other when she was opening for the Allman Brothers Band, well the incarnation of the band at that time. Trucks was playing slide for the band and had his own band at the time. Eventually, some members of that band formed the Tedeschi Trucks Band with Derek and Susan.

She's come a long way. Early on, she saw some success even though she wasn't a 'fantastic' guitar player. She largely played fairly basic chords and some blues riffs scattered about. It was her voice that got her the fame, in my opinion. Today, she's quite a good guitar player - even playing riffs while singing at the same time.

We met when she came to the Boston area to study. I was still HQed in the area and still actively performing with a band at the time.

I don't have any juicy stories. If I did, I'd say that I don't have any juicy stories to respect their privacy. But, really, I don't have any juicy stories.

If you don't mind me asking, how is it that you came across the Tedeschi Trucks Band?
If you don't mind me asking, how is it that you came across the Tedeschi Trucks Band?
I came across them at an Eric Clapton guitar fest don't remember which one as they seem to be in quite a few of them.

Yep Derek Trucks can jam on that Gibson SG.
An end of night boozy singalong with Chas and Dave.
Good drinking session must have been had.

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All these fancy guitarists !....all you have to be is 8 years old.....

LOL They did not kill me. But almost!
video unavailable ^^^
can you see this one ?

