Run application through terminal



I have a little question.

When I run application through the terminal (eg: 'sudo firefox'),
it takes more memory than running it directly?

Why would anyone ever run a browser like firefox as root (with sudo)??
I can't think of a reason, but there are lots of security reasons to not do it.

As for your question, I don't think so. Or if there is, it's only a few bytes for an extra copy of the environment.

I start most things from the command line. In fact, I have a little script name ff which I use to start firefox:
exec /usr/bin/firefox "$@" &>/dev/null &
Thank you for your reply,probably it was a bad example.
My question has nothing to do with running firefox with sudo, i never doing it.
Actually i'm doing the same as you do, little scripts that run applications like firefox, eclipse...
The reason i asked this is, lately my computer's running slow and i thought it might be the reason for that.


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