Cool!!! It sounds like I will have to investigate that. Thanks for the tip, MateThanks for the welcome! Found your post in a google search, and noticed that it was really fresh, so I thought I'd chime in.
As for sbopkg: it's a package manager that creates slackware packages. After it syncs with the SlackBuilds.Org database (sbopkg -r), simply search for the package(s) that you need. It can download the source for the install and the slackbuild instructions, create the package, and even install it for you if you wish. It also has a queue, so you can get several packages at a time. The queue can be sorted as you wish so that dependencies are satisfied.
In short, it's pretty nifty. Packages are created in the /tmp directory for later collection and archiving if you wish. ProTip: /tmp/SBo fills pretty quickly with build detritus, so you may want to clean it out every now and again.

Feel free to lay pearls of wisdom on me. I am wisdom challenged at the present time, but there has been some improvement in the last few weeks. There may yet be hope for me.

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