Terminal Velocity
Well-Known Member
The only emojis I use sometimes are the old ASCII xD -.- I don't like the modern and even less the animated
...I've been on other Forums that have nasty members and Mods too...who ban people for the least littlest things...it would be a very sad day indeed if this Forum goes down that same road.
...it might be a good idea to complain about all the problems this Web Site is having.
I'm talking image spam.
I first opened that topic since I could not use them. But I learned how to use them, so I can say that my problem solved.
I can see this getting out of hand
And it will remain Home. Why?.....because here, unlike other sites, common sense prevailsBrian @Condobloke and I came here April/May 2017, kicked off our boots and put on our slippers, sucked on a beer (perhaps a scotch for Brian) and said "We're home".
Amen to that.As long as things mostly stay on topic here (this is supposed to be a technical forum.
Very much agreeI wanted to find an emoji for that but I am too lazy and un-enthusiastic about emojis.
Not on our watch (I am confident I can speak for all Staff here).
I was banned from one such forum after 3 years and 2,800 posts. Brian @Condobloke and I came here April/May 2017, kicked off our boots and put on our slippers, sucked on a beer (perhaps a scotch for Brian) and said "We're home".
Don't tell the forum's name just tell us why you were banned, it will make the read more interestingI was banned from one such forum after 3 years and 2,800 posts.
Seriously... I think you need to read people's posts -- no matter how pedantic they are (and yes, I admit that I am) -- properly, before making assumptions (lol, little joke). Seriously, you should take time to read a post properly before you just have a knee-jerk response and type it, othewise you end up coming across as confrontational and, unless you utilise passive aggression correctly, it may blow up in your face... Double "see what I did there?" points.Seriously...I think you have a problem with people having a little fun.
There are always going to be people who complain and whinge about anything they don't likenone of my Smilies have been rude or offensive...so what's your problem.
This is the friendly's Forum on the Net...I've been on other Forums that have nasty members and Mods too...who ban people for the least littlest things...it would be a very sad day indeed if this Forum goes down that same road.
Don't tell the forum's name just tell us why you were banned,...
written for copying lovely emojis from one place to another place! Use by caution!
Emojis do like copying too much and they can make you addicted to use this code
more than 10 times in a day ! If such symtomps shown,
please kill the copier and warn the administator of your website!
# bbcode style is :
#[url=<domainwith protocol name>][img]<fully url and uri of the image>[/img][/url]
#first analyze the given smiley url, decompose it into protocol and website parts
# example : https://www.mysmiley.net/facebook/Facebook_nazar-amulet_497_mysmiley.net.png
# handle errors
echo "ERROR: argument 1 :"
echo -e "Usage: bbcodemaker.sh url \n url : should be fully defined url and uri including 'www'. ex. : http://www.smileys.net/.../good.gif"
exit 1
# Thanks to JasKinasis in https://www.linux.org/threads/solved-how-to-store-lines-between-two-patterns-in-array.41427/#post-167017
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
warnnkill "Error : Incorrect number of arguments. Enter a valid url as an argument."
# if there is no error about arguments, then continue with assigning argument 1 to variable
domain=$(echo $url | cut -d"/" -f1,2,3)
echo "[url="$domain"][img]"$url"[/img][/url]"
And what exactly does this do? I'm not a very experienced programmer.I prepared an forum bb code maker code in shell for myself. I also add small warning . It is not a big program but may help others too like me, since sometimes there is no bb code for smileys :
Bash:#!/bin/bash <<WARN written for copying lovely emojis from one place to another place! Use by caution! Emojis do like copying too much and they can make you addicted to use this code more than 10 times in a day ! If such symtomps shown, please kill the copier and warn the administator of your website! WARN # bbcode style is : #[url=<domainwith protocol name>][img]<fully url and uri of the image>[/img][/url] #first analyze the given smiley url, decompose it into protocol and website parts # example : https://www.mysmiley.net/facebook/Facebook_nazar-amulet_497_mysmiley.net.png # handle errors warnnkill() { echo "ERROR: argument 1 :" echo -e "Usage: bbcodemaker.sh url \n url : should be fully defined url and uri including 'www'. ex. : http://www.smileys.net/.../good.gif" exit 1 } # Thanks to JasKinasis in https://www.linux.org/threads/solved-how-to-store-lines-between-two-patterns-in-array.41427/#post-167017 if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then warnnkill "Error : Incorrect number of arguments. Enter a valid url as an argument." fi # if there is no error about arguments, then continue with assigning argument 1 to variable url=$1 domain=$(echo $url | cut -d"/" -f1,2,3) echo "[url="$domain"][img]"$url"[/img][/url]"
For instance in
Upside-Down Face Emoji
A classic smiley, turned upside down. Implemented as a flipped version of Slightly Smiling Face on most platforms. Commonly used to convey ...emojipedia.org
you get the link of emoji as
and put into my small code to get bb code as :
$ ./bbcodemaker.sh https://emojipedia-us.s3.amazonaws.com/source/microsoft-teams/337/upside-down-face_1f643.png
and get the link of the emoji, paste it here and preview ! I did not post it here to but I tested, worked.
Is it safe to run?I prepared an forum bb code maker code in shell for myself. I also add small warning . It is not a big program but may help others too like me, since sometimes there is no bb code for smileys
the post above is the output, so no it's not safe. The website mentioned earlier in the thread is much better solution the emoji problem.Is it safe to run?