Sound not working with Ubuntu?



I am so glad i found this forum because i have so many questions lol Could anybody here help me with this.... Okay for some reason the sound will not work on my computer but it will work on my headphones. I know that the speakers are still good and have tried a couple command line tricks to get the sound to work with no luck. Does anybody here know about anything about this? I would be so grateful because it sucks laying in bed watching movies with headphones :p

Stop pulseaudio and check if it's working then:

#mv /usr/bin/pulseaudio /usr/bin/pulseaudio.bak

killall pulseaudio

If so, you need to configure your pulseaudio correctly. Also check alsamixer.
Have you upgraded to the latest version of ubuntu and installed all the possible drivers for your computer? I had a sound problem with my friend's old computer but it turned out to be fixed with upgrading to the latest version of Ubuntu. :)
Stop pulseaudio and check if it's working then:

#mv /usr/bin/pulseaudio /usr/bin/pulseaudio.bak

killall pulseaudio

If so, you need to configure your pulseaudio correctly. Also check alsamixer.

This is the worst thing you can ever do! Never ever move a file out of the /bin or /usr/bin it will break your system.
When the sound is not working it's more a problem of driver. You can use VLC to test the different sound system. Start with the ALSA Driver of a simple .ogg file.

What the problem here is, do you have switched to the right output of Pulse audio?

so far
Yes, general rule of thumb with OSes, Moving system files out of their respective folders will generally harm your system and even make it crash. Files like that are there for a reason, for functionality of your OS. Moving or deleting them is never a good thing to do. :p
That usually means that your sound card isn't supported well enough in Linux yet. I'm not an expert in the sound system of Linux so I can't provide more specific help, but I will say that using the latest version of the Linux kernel usually helps, because with every version of Linux they add better support for current hardware and more. It sure did in my case. So my advice would be to install the latest Linux distributions around because they would be using the latest Linux kernels at the time of their release. Fedora 16, Linux Mint 12, and Ubuntu 11.10 come to mind. Or you could try some of the betas for access to even newer kernel versions.

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