
Good work there, David, @KGIII

I just whacked a bunch of spam posts, all from the same user and/or same IP address.

(I should not be here at this hour of the day. So, bear with me.)
You are up at midnight !

Only 2PM here
And I awoke early today, we are forming a night hawk orchestra
Peace reigns.
Things appear normal right now. (Now I am here early.)
The only spam I like is green eggs and ham spam!
Yeah....spam.....this is getting boring.

I can go to any forum and get this crap
I think we should enable admin/mod approval of first 10 posts of all new users, that way it will be less likely to have a flood of spam like we've been having these last few weeks.
Are you seeing this @Rob
I am assuming the load imposed by the spammers was too much and the site crashed ?...
Approx 30 spammy messages in ~60 minutes...approx 1 each two minutes
Apparently they have better taste than to spam a site that crashes....LOL
Late to the game today,they seem to be reducing in number [but i may be wrong, it could be the lull before the storm]
@Brickwizard, then site went down after an hour or so of the spam, and they did not return after that happened.
Last night the spam started about 11pm my time. i reported the spammers and replied "reported". Then i posted "spam" #129 on this thread to try to alert a admin.
is this a good way to report the spam?

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