Special Thanks to Our Moderators



We should give a special thanks to our moderators @arochester and @ryanvade . I also have moderator privileges, I primarily write articles. Plus, ever since Arochester became a moderator, he has been clearing all of the spam before I ever see it (he is fast and helpful).

Also, give a special thanks to our notable members listed on http://www.linux.org/members/ .

We should give a special thanks to our moderators @arochester and @ryanvade . I also have moderator privileges, I primarily write articles. Plus, ever since Arochester became a moderator, he has been clearing all of the spam before I ever see it (he is fast and helpful).

Also, give a special thanks to our notable members listed on http://www.linux.org/members/ .

Thanks guys!!..... ^^ I wish I knew how to bake a Cake, but I suck at cooking..... :( Also, thank you, Devyn, for writing articles that teach us SO much..... :3 And here's to you, Arochester, for keeping people like me from seeing spam for sudo Pills for my Manhood..... :3 Also, I thank you for using a Pizza Cutter as a Profile Pic, so that I may fantasize about Pizza..... :3 What.....?? :3 I didn't know that there was a "Members" page..... :) And I'm on it.....?? :D I'm..... Touched.... :')
#include <stdio.h>


int main(void)

  int cake_design;

  cake_design = "Blue Frosting Ribbons with a Penguin on them";

  cake_design_2 = "From blackneos and Tux to ALL of you... Thank you!!   :3\n"

  penguin_name = "Tux";

  printf (cake_design);

  printf (cake_design_2);

  printf ("What would blackneos do without you guys?\n From, ", penguin_name);

  return 0;

Yes, thanks to all the mods, admins, and excellent regular users here. It's a good crowd with lots of knowledge.