system crash


New Member
Feb 4, 2021
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Hi, my system had crashed already several times with windows, i thought i wouldn't have problems with linux at the biggining everything went fine
now it doesn't even open the OS
i begin to suspect it has to do with hardware but don't know how to start

Thanks for Help


Hi, my system had crashed already several times with windows, i thought i wouldn't have problems with linux at the biggining everything went fine
now it doesn't even open the OS
i begin to suspect it has to do with hardware but don't know how to start

Thanks for Help

What Linux OS/Distro is this you're having trouble with? You didn't mention. Reply with this and some hardware info too if possible please, so we can offer some advice.
thank you for the Help
i'm bit begginer with PCs
I'll figure out the information an post
to start it's a Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon
version 4.8.6
Processor is very old i know, intel pentium dual cpu e2140 @ 1.60 GHz x 2
Memory is to laugh i know 1.9 Gb
HDD 161 Gb
Nvidia G86
2 memories x2 Gb
Distro / Ulyssa base: Ubuntu 20.04 focal
now the system function better because i've connected the internet !?

no just with the pentium dual cpu e2140
the other has windows
I'm bit new at this stuff so i still don't know too much from Linux
seems interesting but the things must function first :))

now the system doesn't even start the installation
I've tried already OS from Canada, Korea and New Zealand
It must be something from Hardware
I'll see and post

I'm starting to mount another Machine, this one already with an Intel i5
And i'll sure install Linux there
so i'll bring some news later
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no just with the pentium dual cpu e2140
the other has windows
I'm bit new at this stuff so i still don't know too much from Linux
seems interesting but the things must function first :))
Ah, I see. And which is which? I mean, which is the one you're having trouble with?

now the system doesn't even start the installation
I've tried already OS from Canada, Korea and New Zealand
It must be something from Hardware
I'll see and post
Sorry but I don't understand what you're trying to say here, what do you mean that you've "tried already OS from Canada, Korea and New Zealand"?

I'm starting to mount another Machine, this one already with an Intel i5
And i'll sure install Linux there
so i'll bring some news later
What Linux distro(s) are you having problems with? Could you elaborate on your next reply what is it exactly you're doing? How are you trying Linux? Steps you take to try Linux. Linux distro(s) you've tried. And whatever any other important detail.
Ok, so, I'm making the things with pauses (cause I have other issues to solve), what creates here some missunderstanding perhaps
1 - As I said before, I installed Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon version 4.8.6 in an intel pentium dual cpu e2140 @ 1.60 GHz x 2
2 - Also as I said before, from what I could take from the Linux OS that I "already" achieved to install in the PC mentioned above (the intel pentium dual cpu e2140 @ 1.60 GHz x 2 ), I took the Information "Distro / Ulyssa base: Ubuntu 20.04 focal"
3 -I think it doesn't matter from where I took the Linux OS. The important is that anytime I open the OS, when it opens, in my intel pentium dual cpu e2140 @ 1.60 GHz x 2 the system freezes in any point. Sometimes it freezes already after the OS was opened (for instance because I've tried to go to some firefox pages or because I tried to take some informations from the system itself "error codes","crash reports" or whatever ) or it even freezes before it opens the OS itself freezing at some point during the POST or the OS boot process.
So, I installed already severall times the OS in this PC, or better I can say it's already for some time installed, anyway I boot the Linux Mint always from USB pen drive, and it works till I try to go to some firefox pages or because I tried to take some informations from the system itself "error codes","crash reports" or whatever
The other machines I have, if I have them, doesn't matter here for now i think. The problems I'm having are with the intel pentium dual cpu e2140 @ 1.60 GHz x 2. As i said i'm mounting an Intel i5 in other case that will also have linux, but that will be another machine and will take place in a few weeks or months
And because i've already achieved the installation of Linux there, i suspect it can be Hardware. that's why i've already ordered a POST test card, i'm whaitig for it
Anyway, as long as I achieve more information I'll post it here
The problem is also, that i can't at this point take any error reports, because the system doesn't allow it
Moreover i can give the following information i took from the PC :
-"bei "POST" sometimes gives "ACPI Error AE not found, while resolving a named reference package element"
- when booted from USB the BIOS memory check funtions properly and gives no error
- When I make the system chek at the begining from the Linux Mint Start Page it gives "chek finished no errors found" but then again when I try to open the OS it freezes somewhen
- One question I'd like to post is :
Before with this PC intel pentium dual cpu e2140 @ 1.60 GHz x 2 from windows in Safe Mode the system almost never crashed (from what i can remember). I suppose the compatibility mode would be the same as safe mode for windows isn't it ?
If yes, anytime I try to boot in compatibility mode it freezes again even before it starts


PS ; in what concrens to the link you gave me :

I've already gave the information from the system info above ;
Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon version 4.8.6 in an intel pentium dual cpu e2140 @ 1.60 GHz x 2
Distro / Ulyssa base: Ubuntu 20.04 focal,
but again when I try the button "upload the system information" guess what ?!
It freezes again
I think it doesn't matter from where I took the Linux OS
I guess it doesn't, I only asked what you meant by saying that "tried already OS from Canada, Korea and New Zealand" and now I think you were referring to the .ISO's file location you downloaded it from, am I right?
it even freezes before it opens the OS itself freezing at some point during the POST or the OS boot process.
How far does the boot process get? Does the Cinnamon desktop load?
So, I installed already severall times the OS in this PC, or better I can say it's already for some time installed, anyway I boot the Linux Mint always from USB pen drive, and it works till I try to go to some firefox pages or because I tried to take some informations from the system itself "error codes","crash reports" or whatever
Is it or isn't the OS installed? Seems like you're trying the OS from a Live USB, it works but as soon as you tried to install it crashes, is that right? I'm really sorry, but seems like English is not your Native Language, and you're having a hard time trying to express yourself. Can you take some screenshots or photos and post them here? With the error or error messages you're getting, if possible? That would be helpful.
1 - Yes your right, i was refering to the ISO's file location
2 - Like i said, sometimes it loads sometimes don't (the Cinnamon Desktop)
3 - The OS is already installed. Nevertheless I boot from the USB pen drive. And when I try to "REINSTALL", wondering if the problem isn't a bad installation or file corrupted, it crashes again.
And yes I will post any screenshot i can get, if i will get them.


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so it seems i could this time ...
till it crashes again at the last screenshot, i.e. when he tries to install hardware drivers from the internet (new codecs i suppose)
but this time he booted the OS, sometimes he doesn't
I can see from the memory, it seems totaly used !?!?
no crash reports as i can see were created
totaly freezed at the end, must reboot
so it seems i could this time ...
till it crashes again at the last screenshot, i.e. when he tries to install hardware drivers from the internet (new codecs i suppose)
but this time he booted the OS, sometimes he doesn't
I can see from the memory, it seems totaly used !?!?
no crash reports as i can see were created
totaly freezed at the end, must reboot

Ok, first, thank you for taking the time to take all those pictures and uploading them, so we can take a look and have a clearer idea what your issue is about. Secondly, you're running Mint in Live mode, it's not installed, at least not from what I can see in these pics, so you should try installing it and see if the problem goes away. It crashes because if it's trying to install stuff, there's nowhere to put that stuff in; not enough space. Again, Mint's not installed, you're running the OS from a USB in live mode, I can tell because of the Install Linux Mint icon on the Cinnamon Desktop, and this pic

This mode is only intended to try the OS and once you find it works ok for you, proceed to install it in the machine, and it seems it's not, so you can either install it and hope it works, or try another distro or even different ones and see if the crashes occur with those too. If I may so, I suggest that you try one or all of these:

Linux Mint

You can also go here take a look at the different distros listed on the site, download whichever caught your attention, burn it to a USB, try in Live mode and if it works, install it, or you can download as many as you want and repeat the process till you find the one that works with no issues and you think meets your needs and expectations.

EDIT: By the way, whatever it is you decide to do; install Mint or try other distro, don't do this


Because it won't work while in live mode, that is; you're booting the OS right from the USB, is not installed yet, so install the OS first then you can update it, install drivers and apps, not before. Again, the Live USB mode is only intended as a way to try the OS without having to install it, so you can decide after checking everything works as it is supposed to whether to install it or not.
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Ok thank's
I'll work out all the information we gave me and come back

Thank's again
Ok so here I am again, don't bring good news but bit more information :

- when it tries to reboot after 100% installation "antix linux" - it doesn't do it properly
- in live mode, just trying to achieve a web browser makes it crash again
- at the beginning i couldn't even install Grub, so i took the selection out
- my BIOS cannot be up to date cause i can't achieve to have the OS in the machine, and foxconn allow it only "from" the OS
- without OS i suppose i cannot even install RAM in the machine ?!
- now it even doesn't function in live mode, don't know if OS corrupted or something else

I bring other screenshots from Linux MX and AntiX in live mode and an attempt almost succeeded to install them.The first 2 are from MX the others are from AntiX
The fact is, that as the system try to restart the machine to install defenetly AntiX, it crashed again

Specially MX is very interesting but again could not install it in this machine
I will definitely install it in another machine as i said before

Thanks for replying


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Ok so here I am again, don't bring good news but bit more information :

- when it tries to reboot after 100% installation "antix linux" - it doesn't do it properly
- in live mode, just trying to achieve a web browser makes it crash again
- at the beginning i couldn't even install Grub, so i took the selection out
- my BIOS cannot be up to date cause i can't achieve to have the OS in the machine, and foxconn allow it only "from" the OS
- without OS i suppose i cannot even install RAM in the machine ?!
- now it even doesn't function in live mode, don't know if OS corrupted or something else

I bring other screenshots from Linux MX and AntiX in live mode and an attempt almost succeeded to install them.The first 2 are from MX the others are from AntiX
The fact is, that as the system try to restart the machine to install defenetly AntiX, it crashed again

Specially MX is very interesting but again could not install it in this machine
I will definitely install it in another machine as i said before

Thanks for replying
I have two questions
1. Swap partition is way too big, it's 9 GB! And since I've used antiX too I know it doesn't make it that big, did you make it? Don't, it won't work the way you think it will.
2. Can you post a screenshot of the installation process at the stage of partitioning? Because, you're either selecting the wrong disk and/or MX/antiX is in which case it'll be good to see which options are presented to you when it comes to choose the target disk/partition where the system is going to be installed.
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Ok I'll do that, thank you
Anyway, i am already very thankful to linux, linux MX and you here in this forum, since my windows
in my laptop crashed and if wasn't MX, i wouldn't be writing you from a Linux MX already installed in my laptop, as screenshots below can show. Don-t need to say that my laptop is actually more powerful than the desktop
I'll definitely use Linux as first option on my machines from now on
Before i go, would like to leave a question
- how do i clean a USB drive, that i used to burn Linux ISO

Thanks for replying


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Before i go, would like to leave a question
- how do i clean a USB drive, that i used to burn Linux ISO
You can reformat the USB stick with Gparted:
1. Click on menu and type Gparted it should appear as you type,.
2. Select it and hit enter to launch it, type in your password when asked.
3. In Gparted main windows, select the USB from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen.


4. Right-click the USB drive and select Format to. Choose fat32 as the file system from the list to continue.


5. Click the green checkmark button to apply.


6. A pop-up appears with a warning message about data deletion. Click Apply to continue.


7. Wait while GParted formats the drive.


8. Click the Close button to exit the menu when the formatting process completes.


And that's it. :)
Hi again thanks for the answer
i used "Format USB" tool, cause there's something wrong with my Gparted
why don't i have the tools on Gparted active like you in your system, as shown below
i already searched in Manual and Wiki, nothing found

thanks for replying



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why don't i have the tools on Gparted active like you in your system, as shown below
You need to unmount the drive first before attempting to do anything with it, this is for security reasons. So from that menu, choose unmount, once you do that you can do whatever you want; format, delete, resize and more. :)

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