32gb usb I burned nhos to it and now partitions are stuck tried everything to format it so I need dev help experience so
if boot that usb I get kernel panic but there's a booting process
Maybe it doesn't want to create the filesystem because /dev/sda3 is mounted. You could try to unmount /dev/sda3 before writting the filesystem on it, but I must Warn you that I'm not an expert at this by any means. You might want to wait for someone way more competent than me to know what you should do.
Maybe it doesn't want to create the filesystem because /dev/sda3 is mounted. You could try to unmount /dev/sda3 before writting the filesystem on it, but I must Warn you that I'm not an expert at this by any means. You might want to wait for someone way more competent than me to know what you should do.
Get MintStick...it formats USB's I even did a 500Gb drive that was used as a Windows Recovery drive even Windows only saw 32Gb and would not reformat. MintStick recovered the recovery.
Get MintStick...it formats USB's I even did a 500Gb drive that was used as a Windows Recovery drive even Windows only saw 32Gb and would not reformat. MintStick recovered the recovery.
On some usb drivers there is a switch to lock the device to make it read only, does you device have a switch like that? Can you share the output of: dmesg | grep sda
I have a MicroSD card in a USB adapter (which plugs into a USB port on my machine, and acts like a USB flash drive). I was using Unetbootin to make this a bootable USB flash drive with Kubuntu. But I
That *should* link to the answer I am speaking of. If not, scroll down - it's the long answer.
Since you are running Buntu in a V-Box have you tried formatting it in Windows? Generally Buntu has a program called Disks which will format it in the terminal type in
make sure your USB is unmounted - also make sure you are a vbox user group USB will not work correctly unless you are part of that group
Some flash drives are difficult to get back after burning them with a Linux ISO. They are often created in an ISO9660 format, similar to a CD, which helps to make them bootable in almost any hardware. You may need a combination of Gdisk and Gparted and some fiddling around to recover your drives, but I think it can be done. Start with this (as root or with sudo):
1. gdisk /dev/sdc (be sure sdc is correct or check with fdisk first)
2. give x command to put gdisk in Expert mode
3. give z command to ZAP the drive
Gdisk will prompt you like below, then it will exit:
About to wipe out GPT on /dev/sdc. Proceed? (Y/N): (Answer y)
Blank out MBR? (Y/N): (Answer y)
Now comes the fiddling part. In some cases I have needed to reboot after the above steps and before moving forward. You can run Gparted and try to create a new partition table (msdos or gpt), create a new partition (FAT32 or whatever you want), and format the partition. If you get errors, choose to ignore them and keep going (this may be where a reboot first might help).
You can also go back to Gdisk and use it, but it will create a GPT partition table... because that's what it does. The Gdisk steps, which you probably already know, are:
(as root)
1. gdisk /dev/sdc
2. give n command for a new partition
3. Accept the defaults for first and last sector
4. use 0700 for Hex code or GUID (this makes the partition Microsoft Basic Data)
5. give w command to write the changes
6. answer y when asked to Proceed
And back to fiddling again, you can try Gparted to now format this new gpt partition, or you can try the terminal with mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdc1
Another fiddling technique: When the flash drive is still reporting ISO9660 in Gparted, you can try to unmount the drive first, and then go straight into a Format as FAT32. Sometimes this helps, but it is not the final fix. From here, you would need to create a new partition table (because it has none with ISO9660), then create a new partition, then format as FAT32 again.
Fiddle away! I can almost always recover a USB unless it is truly damaged using one or more of the methods above. I don't know why a consistent method doesn't work... it may be due to difference in flash drive brands, but more likely is the differences of burning methods or differences in which distro is burned to the drive. Below is another method to fiddle with.
((Comments in double parentheses))
Open Start Menu and run: CMD ((does not have to run as Administrator))
Enter these commands:
>diskpart ((one word... this opens DISKPART in a new CMD window))
DISKPART> list disk ((two words))
DISKPART> select disk #
((# is the flash drive number... could be 0 thru 5, or more. Check the disk sizes.))
((If clean fails, try 'convert gpt' and then clean again.))
DISKPART> create partition primary
((don't reverse the words here... that's an easy mistake))
DISKPART> select partition 1
DISKPART> format fs=fat32 quick
((can also use fs=ntfs -- it shows 0% for the whole process, then 100% when complete, so be patient))
DISKPART> assign
DISKPART> exit ((this closes the DISKPART window))