The best linux?

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Jan 2, 2025
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Hey guys, im new in this forum and linux. Just want to know, what is the best modern linux distro for beginners?

Anything that's not Kali.
Hey guys, im new in this forum and linux. Just want to know, what is the best modern linux distro for beginners?
Great avatar and welcome to the forums!

I'd start with Linux Mint and take it from there.
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Hey guys, im new in this forum and linux. Just want to know, what is the best modern linux distro for beginners?
First rule of fight club, never talk about fight club... first rule in linux, never ask what is the best distro. It will start petty bickering.

To answer the question, there is no best. only what is best for you. try out different major distros and see what you like more.
As there are heaps of Distros to try...I'm sure you'll find one.
@opnot14 :-

Welcome to LOVE the avatar. Somebody with taste..! :p

This is one of those traditional 'don't ask' type of questions. Yah, okay; as a beginner, you DO want to know (especially if you've looked on somewhere like Distrowatch and realised, "God, there's hundreds of 'em. What DO I choose?"

To which you answer yourself, seconds later; "Oh, why not ask other people what they use? Yeah, let's do it!")

Invariably, you'll get as many different suggestions as you get replies. But, as @APTI has told you; there's no "right" (or "wrong"). There IS no "best" (or "worst"). What you will eventually discover - after much trial & error; it's a process known as 'distro-hopping', and yes.....every man jack of us here has gone through it at some point! - is a distro which ticks all the boxes for YOU, personally; supports every bit of your hardware, OOTB; lets you install absolutely anything you could possibly want (or need!); supports and permits a work-flow YOU feel most comfortable with.....and lets you customize in whatever way you want, as much, OR as little, however you want.

This is not a process you can easily take short cuts with. To fully comprehend what it is you're doing, ya gotta experience it for yourself. If you always go with other people's recommendations, you're cheating yourself out of the "real deal". You really are.

Mike. ;)
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Great avatar and welcome to the forums!

I'd start with Linux Mint and take it from there.
here we go with all the recommendations.

choose for yourself but make sure you look at the majors
1.. fedora
2.. ubuntu
3.. mint
4.. debian

most of the others are derivatives of those or you just do not want to try them as a beginner.
OK so we have started naming names... then my suggestions are

Mint LMDE6 [looks and feels like mint 22 but without the ubuntu bloat, a tad faster and better on lower/older spec kit]
Parrot home [ smart good everyday distribution from which Parot sec [pen-testing distro]is derived]
MX-Linux [if your machine is under a year old try the AHS version]
linux-lite [ good general distribution for old and restricted resorces]
@opnot14 - welcome to ;)

I like and use all of the above.

You might also consider (not Arch itself, to begin with but) Arch-based distros such as
  • Manjaro
  • Arcolinux
  • Endeavour OS
None of those require a PhD to run and understand.


Chris Turner
The best distro is one that you fully master.

The worst distro is probably the one you blindly use because somebody else told you do use it, unless ofc. you have spent time to investigate why is it the best and you yourself come to conclusion that's indeed so.
Wait... My dog really is better than yours! :p

(and so's my distro)
I like to add that, if by any chance you have an Nvidia GPU, then look for the ones (distros) that have better Nvidia support, meaning drivers are easy to install and upgrade, ideally, without or minimal user action. This also applies to newer hardware; motherboard, CPU, etc.
Wait... My dog really is better than yours! :p

Off-topic, but I'm a Golden Retriever guy. I've owned the same breed, same sire breed, for a good many years. I replace my male a son of said male, letting the old one 'retire' and using them to help train the new one. Mine are fine hunting companions, happily retrieving. They're not as ideal as some hounds, but they also make good rescue dogs as they do a fine job at tracking.

But, man, I so want to tell a dog story... It's just so wildly inappropriate that I can't share it here in the thread.

To get back on topic...

if by any chance you have an Nvidia GPU, then look for the ones (distros) that have better Nvidia support

That's also good advice. Depending on your distro, there are even new NVidia drivers. They've opened up a bunch of the code but the drivers still contain some binary blobs.
linux distro for beginners?
I suggest these.

Linux Lite.

Linux Mint.


Choose one of these and learn some basic Linux how to.

Once you have a bit of Linux savvy then you can step out and choose a Linux distro that you find fits your computer needs.

An old article but hits the nail on the head.

Welcome to forums we are a crazy bunch although it's a great place to be if you want to learn Linux imo.
There is no "best" really.

Only what suits you best. :cool:
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