@opnot14 :-
Welcome to Linux.org. LOVE the avatar. Somebody with taste..!
This is one of those traditional 'don't ask' type of questions. Yah, okay; as a beginner, you DO want to know (especially if you've looked on somewhere like Distrowatch and realised, "God, there's hundreds of 'em. What DO I choose?"
To which you answer yourself, seconds later; "Oh, why not ask other people what they use? Yeah, let's do it!")
Invariably, you'll get as many different suggestions as you get replies. But, as
@APTI has told you; there's no "right" (or "wrong"). There IS no "best" (or "worst"). What you will eventually discover - after much trial & error; it's a process known as 'distro-hopping', and yes.....every man jack of us here has gone through it at some point! - is a distro which ticks all the boxes for YOU, personally; supports every bit of your hardware, OOTB; lets you install absolutely anything you could possibly want (or need!); supports and permits a work-flow YOU feel most comfortable with.....and lets you customize in whatever way you want, as much, OR as little, however you want.
This is not a process you can easily take short cuts with. To fully comprehend what it is you're doing, ya gotta experience it for yourself. If you always go with other people's recommendations, you're cheating yourself out of the "real deal". You really are.