To disable Long file name support with VFAT/FAT32 in linaro linux kernel


New Member
May 11, 2021
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We need to disable Long file name (LFN) support in USB pendrive in linaro linux kernel version 3.10.23 with VFAT/FAT32 file systems.

Do we have any available patch to apply to disable LFN support?

I'm not a coder but it looks like it should be possible.
#define FF_USE_LFN        0
#define FF_MAX_LFN        255
/* The FF_USE_LFN switches the support for LFN (long file name).
/   0: Disable LFN. FF_MAX_LFN has no effect.
/   1: Enable LFN with static working buffer on the BSS. Always NOT thread-safe.
/   2: Enable LFN with dynamic working buffer on the STACK.
/   3: Enable LFN with dynamic working buffer on the HEAP.
/  To enable the LFN, ffunicode.c needs to be added to the project. The LFN function
/  requiers certain internal working buffer occupies (FF_MAX_LFN + 1) * 2 bytes and
/  additional (FF_MAX_LFN + 44) / 15 * 32 bytes when exFAT is enabled.
/  The FF_MAX_LFN defines size of the working buffer in UTF-16 code unit and it can
/  be in range of 12 to 255. It is recommended to be set 255 to fully support LFN
/  specification.
/  When use stack for the working buffer, take care on stack overflow. When use heap
/  memory for the working buffer, memory management functions, ff_memalloc() and
/  ff_memfree() in ffsystem.c, need to be added to the project. */

#define FF_LFN_UNICODE    0

I don't see any macro like as mentioned in your post FF_USE_LFN to switch the support for LFN.
Also, i don't see any source file ffunicode.c to enable LFN. May be, is it required to add this and integrate across my project? Is it Mandatory?

Instead FF_USE_LFN, I see FAT_LFN_MAX set to 255 in the code in msdos_fs.h Shall i reduce the value to 32 instead of 255 to disable LFN? Is that ok?
No idea, like I said I'm not a coder I only try to understand from what I can read. I would try creating an issue on one of those github projects maybe that will be able to help you out.
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