Today's article has you monitoring your network activity.


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Jul 23, 2020
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It's a handy tool, nmon, that lets you monitor your network activity on a per-application basis. It compares itself to 'top' but for networking, but that's really not the greatest comparison. Ah well, it's what they used to describe it.

Feedback is awesome. I'm still not back to 100%, but I'm significantly better - so you can be a bit more rough if you find any glaring errors.

I also like iptraf-ng

netstat -i will work in a pinch.

That's a new one to me. It looks interesting. I'll have to play with it. It'll go on my list of things to do, but way on the back burner.
Thanks for the article, I found firefox and this:
? root     unknown TCP             0.000     0.000 KB/sec
is it something sneaky?
Probably not. It's probably something on your system pinging something, maybe looking for other computers on your network, one of your applications listening for something, etc... It's Linux, so it's fairly safe to assume the best - unless you have compelling evidence to expect the worst.
Also for a brief time appeared this:
? root     ...153.64.183:32788-40.11       0.000      0.000 KB/sec
? root     ...153.64.183:59578-172.6       0.000      0.000 KB/sec
It's a spooky application this network monitor, ignorance is gold
There is a joke about ''my documents'' folder in windows, they call it ''our documents'' in Linux it's just ''documents'' ... spooky
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99.999% of the time, it's gonna be benign. There are other tools that will let you examine the network traffic - probably even showing process ID # for tracking stuff like that down. The names escape me at the moment, 'cause I'm a wee bit 'medicated'. I have some delightful lollipops.

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