Top, Htop or Atop: - which one is more apropiate (?) and which one do you use?


Nov 5, 2024
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good evening dear linux-friends,

note: do not know if this topic suits here well - i thought that it is a good place to post it here to the "beginner" sub-forum - since i am trying to find out which monitoring option is the best.

which monitoring procedure do you use - wich one is the best for you? - well - some friends mentioned recently that ATOP is a bit more intuitive than htop. - so i am a bit confused now.

well. the Top command from the procps package has long been the somewhat default general-purpose system monitor - at least for me!
i have used it several Linux system - (note i ve used opensuse, Ubuntu, Mandrive, Antix and Endeavour)
Some of my colleagues appreciate the Top system monitor as an effective tool for detecting system problems.

well looking at the internet - and doing some recherche there is more: i have learned that there are some other options: The alternatives Htop, Atop and Glances expand its possibilities.

what do you use(!?) and why?

what's your throught?

thanks for your ideas - thoughts.


I'm an HTOP guy, largely for the colors and options.
I also use Htop it's seem better than the others to me.
good day dear KGill good day dear kc1di :)

many thanks for your replies - and for sharing your ideas. Awesome: i will have a closer look at the Htop
it seems to offer some great options.

btw: Thank you for this awesome forum - and for the options of sharing ideas, thoughts, experiences
This is just outstanding.

Awesome - thank you so much!!

I have top running on one of my virtual consoles all the time. It has a nice blue color. I use a split window to use two windows. top allows me to choose what is displayed.


Matthew Campbell
Yep, Htopper here, too!
btw: Thank you for this awesome forum - and for the options of sharing ideas, thoughts, experiences
This is just outstanding.

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I do mainly use HTOP, but I am also partial towards BTOP if I am feeling fancy.

Addendum (BTOP):

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I use plain old top on my TrueNAS and OpnSense systems because I rarely need it and don't feel the need to install something else if I just want to check things here or there. On my desktop I have both htop and btop installed but it's mainly since I have a few more bells and whistles there anyway.

IMHO it breaks down to what you want and need for the system you are using it on. A server where you need something small, simple, and just works I am of the opinion that top is the one which will do what it needs when needed and just work. Probably why top is installed by default on a lot of OS'

If top doesn't meet your needs or you need a way to quickly visually differentiate a process htop seems to do a good job of dealing with it. If there are GPU's in the system being used to process data then btop will be helpful. Honestly I may start to use htop on my servers since it does give a little more visual representation on what is running and what resources are in use but btop adding the network and GPU information is a bit too much.

Anyway for a simple comparison here are top, atop, btop, and htop running.

Screenshot from 2024-11-16 12-30-44.png
Just use whichever one you prefer.

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