Touch screen Laptop compatible Linux OS?


New Member
Oct 21, 2020
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Hello Everyone,

Would you be able to advise wether there is a Linux Distribution which has touch screen functionality to suit a convertible Laptop?

Thank you in advance,

Before any of us can answer that question we need to know the make & full model number of the machine you're planning to use, as every make has its own idiosyncrasies
Aside from specifc laptops and distributions, it's worth mentioning that the Gnome Desktop Environment is equally praised and demonised because many of its newest design decisions are taking touchscreens and touch gestures in mind That's indicative that such laptops and the technical support for the touchscreen exist so I bet you will able to find solutions(*).

(*) I am no user of touchscreens other than in my smartphone!, so I can only provide hope and not actual experience.
There is a Linux distro which is nice looking and mainly designed for touchscreen tablets and devices, it has an interface like android and you also can run android apps on it. It's called JingOS. I tried it some months ago on flash USB and it's kinda minimal Linux with low resources usage. I couldn't try the touchscreen functionality of it because my monitor isn't touchscreen, but they claim it supports touchscreen devices.
Don't use JingOS you can use and play android apps on a regular distro using an emulator. You can make it similar to JingOS.

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