Unbound, VPN IP addresses


New Member
Dec 10, 2024
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Using Unbound as the DNS resolver and using ipleak.net and dnsleaktest.com to verify whether it is working, the results show the DNS resolver as my ISP IP. This shows it works.

When using VPN and Unbound at the same time, ipleak.net and dnsleaktest.com show the results of the VPN IP as my IP and the DNS resolver as my ISP IP.

So would it be better to use the DNS resolver from VPN instead? Then ipleak.net and dnsleaktest.com would show both my ISP IP and the DNS resolver IP as the VPN IP.

So then Unbound is not required. It would only be required if you wanted to install and configure Unbound DoH without using VPN to hide and mask your IP.

True or False?
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I think that you have to understand what VPN is used for.
DoT/DoH combined with VPN does not make any sense but one can use such configuration. If you have VPN don't combine it with DoT/DoH. All depends what is your goal but use one or another.

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