Most likely your Windows CD is not bootable so here is how to make one
Making a Bootable Windows XP CD from Ubuntu - step by step
1) Grab PowerISO from Here
2) Download Windows XP Boot Disk from here
Windows XP Boot Disk, bootable 1.44mb floppy image
3) Have a blank CD handy for burning new ISO
We need to create 3 folders in your home directory 1)WinXP 2)PowerISO 3)BootDisk
Copy your Windows XP CD into the WinXP Folder - Now Extract the poweriso file you downloaded into the PowerISO folder and then extract the Win xp boot disk into the BootDisk folder
With that done we now need to open the WinXP folder you will see this - see screenshot
Now we need to create an ISO file so highlight all the files and right click and compress or add to archive, when that menu opens select .iso and the file name should be WinXP with a .iso extension and click Create - you should see a file called WinXP.iso
Now we need to go to the PowerISO folder - see screenshot
To open that program - right click inside that folder and Open Terminal Here now type in
you will need to type in your password - PowerISO is now open - Next click on the Add button and select and navigate to the WinXP.iso file and click add you will notice on the bottom left side it says Non-bootable Image - see screenshot
Now we need to add the Boot image - click Action then Boot then Add boot information - now navigate to the BootDisk folder
- see screenshot
and select the WinXP Boot Disk.IMA file- once added if you look at the bottom left it should now say Bootable Image - see screenshot
- click the Save button - you now have a bootable WinXP - now insert a blank CD and select the Burn button now select Image file and load the WinXP.iso put a check mark in Finalize disc and Verify written data and click the Burn button at the bottom - see screenshot
Now with the CD in your drive you can reboot and tap the F12 key usually to bring up a one time boot window and select you CD drive it should boot the WinXP CD you can then install
Hope this works for you